Friday, August 31, 2018

08-31-2018 My Judgement Day

I have had three dreams in the past three days I remember as being odd. They were all related to each other. I have mentioned in the past I have dreams where I feel I am in another world observing a parallel universe or, perhaps, people on the other side.

The first dream, I had a couple of days ago, was me being presented to a small group of adults by my old boss who died of brain cancer. He simply brought me into a small, darkly lit room and had me sit down. I suspect he is one of my guardian angels looking out for me on the other side.

I sit down in this darkly lit room and a lean, smartly dressed, disciplined looking lady starts reading some notes as if she is evaluating my situation. I felt she wasn't too sure I was up to her standards to being evaluated. Myself, I was kind of obnoxious and free spirited in the room. I was bragging about my relatives and how successful they were in life and talking a little too much. The lady evaluating me seemed irritated and rolled her eyes at me. The other people in the room seemed to be nervous for me like they wanted to tell me to keep quiet! After a couple of minutes the lady said, "Alright, Let's give him a task to do and see how he does. I was handed some paperwork and ushered out the door with an assistant or two and sent on my merry way. I was still high spirited and chatted aimlessly with the assistance while I was ushered out of the area.

Weird! I have no idea what task was assigned to me. I forgot because I was talking too much in my dream.

The other two dreams were early this morning (08-31-2018). The first dream was a scene where I felt I had entered a different world and was laying on a bench in a men's locker room with red shorts on and a t-shirt. To my left were rows of adult men in their twenties. They were lined up in about six rows in an "at ease" stance staring at me. They had red shorts and t-shirts on too. I felt I entered in the middle of this  dream where, all of a sudden, I was lying on a locker room bench with red shorts and a t-shirt on. A bunch of well fit, well disciplined men in strict military postures were staring down at me. I said, nervously, "This ain't Kansas!" One of the men in the rows cracked a half smile but immediately quit smiling as a leader entered the room and walked down in front of the bench towards me. I was very nervous because I thought wearing red shorts meant I was in Hell and this was the leader of a "Hell" squad I didn't really want any part of.  I told the leader, "I wasn't feeling well."- after assessing the fact I was, all of a sudden, dressed just like the other men except I was lazily laying down on a bench while everyone else was at strict attention,

The leader grinned and pronounced, "Not feeling well!" to everyone. He looked relaxed and was not mad at me at all. In fact, he was very kind to me. He said, "Well let's get you on your way." This reaction from someone on the other side is in stark contrast to people's reactions to my presence in previous "other worldly" dreams. In past dreams like this I was either ignored or I was aggressively attacked as being someone or something they did not want having around. In the "other worldly" dream, this morning, I felt the people were much nicer- selfless and kind in their interaction with me. It was very refreshing. I could relax around these people. Maybe the men in red shorts were "angels in training". I was ushered out of the locker room so I guess I'm not quite ready for that yet. I noticed, in a previous dream I had, a women visited me in a red dress to try and get me to smile. Definitely a theme going on here with red clothing and feel good deeds from "the other side"!

I had another dream a little later in the early morning. This time the scene was a younger lady in her late teens talking to me about what her goal was "on the other side". She was so happy to see me and kept cupping her  hands around my face under my chin as if she knew me. She said she wanted to make sure people were much more aware of the needs of people with mental health issues. She would dedicate her time to trying to make sure people with mental health issues were treated fairly in life. Again, I felt this person was genuinely selfless and caring. So much nicer than the previous people I met in my "other worldly dreams. It could be somebody I knew that died with mental health issues but in a much healthier state now- unburdened by their physical illness.

In summary, Although I still seem to act like a bit of a pest in "other worldly" dreams, I felt I had been promoted to interact with more caring and loving people than in previous dreams I have had.

I remember the "Seatbelt Psychic", Thomas John, (Ref. mentioned, in one of his TV episodes, there were different levels on the other side where the nicer people hung out together and  seemed to have graduated further in their journey of self actualization.(Ref.

Nice! I've been promoted on the other side...I hope.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

08-29-2018 A Rock Picture Titled "Static Distortions in Relatively Timeless Space".

Here is a rock I found in Eastern Oregon I sliced open today to see what it looked like inside. With all I've learned about the "Theory of Everything" I am going to title this picture of a rock "Static Distortions in Relatively Timeless Space".

Monday, August 27, 2018

08-27-2018 Final Words On The Creation of The Universe and an AHA! Moment

I have had a few days to digest my last blog of thoughts on "The Theory of Everything" series I watched on Curiosity Stream. I snuck in one more episode before the free week viewing of Curiosity Stream went off the air. The last episode I saw was on "String Theory".

So my mind mulls over the latest facts I have over the weekend- which now includes a summary of "String Theory".

My conclusions are...

1) Physicists are really smart and seem to be extremely close to coming up with a whole picture of "The Theory of Everything". Then I realized my most fundamental idea of "anti-PI shells" starts looking a lot like the negative electron cloud whizzing around protons and neutrons in an atom. Eureka! AHA! So physicists may be very close indeed to completing the "Theory of Everything". It wouldn't surprise me if this static dark energy field in another dimension I propose is a static field of super high energy "strings". It wouldn't surprise me if there are "anti-PI" shells with  super high energy positive "anti-electron" fields surrounding negative anti-protons and neutral anti-neutrons!

2) My conclusion is, it looks like physicists just need to stop using PI in formulas to describe "String Theory" and Supersymmetry to get the "Theory of Everything" right (if they are...), they need to put a "super" spin on the particles studied in the LHC to find the "anti-PI" strings Supersymmetry proposes and maybe shine an infrared light on them to actually see these "dark" sub-particles unless the fact these particles are in another dimension prevents viewing the dark sub-particles.. Bizarre idea I had in dreams but seem to have some merit based on current quark research- in my opinion.

Details regarding my above conclusion...

I questioned whether my random ideas in my last blog were embarrassingly far out and ridiculous.
Normally, I don't care what people think because I have nothing to prove to anyone at this point in my life- but the thought did occur.
    • I start thinking about the idea of "String Theory". The episode mentioned an idea of supersymmetry where there is a paired particle for every particle out there already discovered in the "quarks" world. I missed seeing the episode on supersymmetry but just looked it up now. (Ref."Supersymmetry is an extension of the Standard Model that aims to fill some of the gaps. It predicts a partner particle for each particle in the Standard Model. These new particles would solve a major problem with the Standard Model – fixing the mass of the Higgs boson. If the theory is correct, supersymmetric particles should appear in collisions at the LHC."
  • So I am not far off at all. In fact I am just stating the idea of a bunch of "static" buzzing "String Theory" strings resident in another dimension with "anti-Pi" shells caused by distortions in a static anti-PI dark energy field when a "Big Bang" occurs. The"strings" in the static dark energy field within another dimension have to be super high energy because it takes a "black hole" furnace to get existing matter in our universe back to the fundamental form of a "string" in another dimension.
  • Then I randomly find this article while searching for "Quarks and Supersymmetry" on the internet. It verifies extremely high energy levels of particles whizzing around the early universe right after the "Big Bang". In my previous article I proposed they could find more about quarks if they started spinning electrons and protons instead of blasting them. The following article seems to confirm my idea the "strings" in the other dimension I propose have super high energy levels when in the proposed static dark energy field in another dimension. (Ref:

'Perfect liquid' quark-gluon plasma is the most vortical fluid

  • Swirling soup of matter's fundamental building blocks spins 10 billion trillion times faster than the most powerful tornado, setting new record for 'vorticity'

    August 2, 2017
    DOE/Brookhaven National Laboratory
    Particle collisions recreating the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) that filled the early universe reveal that droplets of this primordial soup swirl far faster than any other fluid. The new analysis shows that the 'vorticity' of the QGP surpasses the whirling fluid dynamics of super-cell tornado cores and Jupiter's Great Red Spot, and even beats out the fastest spin record held by nanodroplets of superfluid helium.
  • Update 08-29-2018: Here is a rock I found in Eastern Oregon I cut open today. With all I've learned about the "Theory of Everything" I am going to title this picture of a rock "Static Distortions in Relatively Timeless Space".

  • I don't know about you but I look at this dense rock picture full of various squiggly distortion and I don't have any problem believing there is another timeless dimension with  massless, static, "anti-PI", squiggly strings of super high energy dark matter out there.

    Friday, August 24, 2018

    08-23-2018 A Journey To Explain "The Theory of Everything" On Curiosity Stream TV

    I have cable TV and have been enjoying watching TV episodes of "The Theory of Everything" on the Curiosity Stream TV station (Ref. during their free preview week.

    I have not watched all the episodes but I am blown away with how far the understanding of the physical processes at all levels within out universe have been explained to this date in time.

    I am also blown away at the pattern matches between key words in the "The Theory of Everything" episodes I have watched and the dreams I have blogged about. Key words such as "color", spin, space, time, and other modern explanations of quantum physics and quantum mechanics all fit within the context of dreams I have had.

    It would take too much time to correlate all the pattern matches between significant dreams I have had and specific episodes of "The Theory of Everything" series on Curiosity Stream TV in one blog entry. Besides the Curiosity Stream episodes are only free this week! :-)

    I will just note a few opinions about what I saw physicists struggling with based on what I am observing in my dreams regarding the attempt to come up with a "Theory of Everything".

    My impressions from watching episodes of "The Theory of Everything" series are:

    1) There is current frustration trying to nail down the concepts of antimatter, dark energy and dark matter. Here is what I have already concluded from examining my previous dreams, before watching specific episodes regarding antimatter, dark energy and dark matter on Curiosity Stream.
    • Based on my obervations in dreams I have had, I have come to the conclusion antimatter, dark energy and dark matter are not bound by the the concept of spacetime (Ref. Spacetime - Wikipedia In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model that fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional continuum. ...
      • Therefore, you cannot define antimatter, dark energy or dark matter with a formula using PI because, based on dreams I have had, PI is spacetime. You have to eliminate PI from any formulas defining antimatter, dark energy and dark matter.
        • My dreams are telling me all you need, at the most basic level of existence in this universe, are minute "shells" of spacetime. Pure energy can be isolated, distorted and frozen in a spacetime shell and used later to further distort energy into even more complex matter we observe in life and in our universe. Matter in the universe is a result of "points" of distorted energy frozen in spacetime and eventually released at controlled or uncontrolled intervals in spacetime. Conservation of energy seems to be a natural result of distorting pure energy sources using spacetime. 
        • In my color dream I was told to spin to reveal my true colors. After my “color revealing” dream and watching the episodes of Curiosity Stream’s “The Theory of Everything” I would suggest they try “spinning” electrons and protons to reveal their “true colors” of the quantum bits they are made of- not blast them to oblivion.
        •  In another dream I had it suggested using infrared light to “see” dark matter life.
        • Pure energy itself is timeless. To make pure energy available in our universe you must distort it and "freeze" it for future use in spacetime.
        • Emotions are timeless. Emotions may be a form of distorted, antimatter energy outside of spacetime in another dimension.
        • Antimatter exists and is needed to balance particles in our universe to form the "stable state" of existence in our universe just like water is needed to maintain the stable state of a cell in living things. I believe antimatter can only exist in another dimension we haven't discovered yet. Dark energy may be the "essence" of antimatter and is not affected by spacetime. Maybe nature is copying a two dimension model where the mitochondria membrane represents the antimatter dimension. A  pure energy furnace in a separate dimension (cell membrane) is  used to coordinate energy transfer to the nucleus membrane where energy distortion events within the spacetime barrier we call our universe occur. The nucleus membrane of cells in living things represents a separate dimension where spacetime can be used to distort energy. You need two dimensions or cell membranes to create life. An energy source dimension (cell mitochondria) and an energy distortion dimension (cell nucleus). You need two dimensions to create energy distortion in spacetime- matter and antimatter dimensions.
        • Update 08-25/26-2018..,
          • Perhaps the result of pure, extremely high energy minus the burden of spacetime is a static field of dark energy. There would be no way for dark energy to accelerate at all unless it entered a dimension of spacetime- probably during the "Big Bang". 
          • We should have an upside down PI symbol to represent "anti-PI".  "PI shells" are where timespace exists and "anti-PI shells" are where timespace doesn't exist! These make complete shells where heaven and earth can exist.
          • There may be many of these paired halves of "PI" and "anti-PI" shells out there! "PI and anti-PI" shells result when an energy distortion occurs in a pure, static dark energy field- during a "Big Bang".
          • Gravity and anti-gravity could be caused by distortions in a static, dark energy field. The forces of gravity and anti-gravity create "PI" and anti-PI" shells of reality.
          •  Distortions of a static, pure dark energy field caused by the "Big Bang" could create gravity/anti-gravity waves within "PI" shell(s) of timespace.
          • Is the source of gravity and anti-gravity just a distortion in a static field of dark energy caused by the "Big Bang"?
          • Does normal matter coalesce differently in a black hole than dark matter ultimately resulting in a highly compact and explosive pure matter "PI" shell within a static sea of pure, dark energy?
      • My dreams have suggested at the center of each atom is a black hole. I am starting to think dark matter may have some strong connection link between matter in atoms and the black hole at the center of each atom in the universe where dark matter is “recycled”into a timeless void. This strong connection may cause antimatter distortions in a timeless dimension connected to the atomic black hole.
      • Dark energy might  be formed in existing black holes from dark matter or maybe dark matter and normal matter.Curiosity Stream episodes I have seen do not rule out the idea it could take a massive amount of energy to convert matter into dark energy only a black hole "furnace" can deliver. Black holes become a super furnace to break down the "matter" in our universe into pure dark energy. Pure dark energy is timeless and can cross through cell membranes or dimensions of spacetime. Dark energy may be similar to water permeating cell membranes. Like water, dark energy may be necessary for timespace survival. That is why I think it could be the essence of antimatter that is timeless and can “permeate” multiple dimensions.
      • Pure dark energy created from existing black holes in our universe could be what is causing our universe to accelerate in expansion.
      • All my dreams point to energy distortion at the root of life itself. Nature has a way of isolating this energy distortion "furnace" in two separate mitochondria and nucleus membranes in each cell in our body. They work together to distort energy to create life.
      •  Water permeating cells is vital to the cells survival. A cell is sort of an isolated shell to create a store of potential energy for future creation of life and use by living things.
      • The process of storing potential energy in "isolated shells" of spacetime for future use in nature within cell membranes may mimic exactly how the subatomic particles store pure energy in our universe at a subatomic or quantum physics level for future use in spacetime shells.
    My thoughts listed above may appear to be random thoughts from watching TV shows except I noticed I am completing this blog on my most significant, predictive day of each month- the 24th. I believe it is more likely it was my fate to write this blog now. I don't plan these significant events ahead of time. They just happen!

    Monday, August 20, 2018

    08-20-2018 What If Black Holes Simply Convert Existing Mass Into Dark Energy?

    What if all the matter swirling around each galaxy's central black hole is falling into the galaxy's black hole and is simply being converted into additional raw, dark energy within our universe?

    What if our universe is expanding at an accelerating rate because new dark energy is being created by existing black holes in our universe and this new dark energy is being pumped back into our existing universe?

    What if our universe's matter falling into a black hole's furnace and converted into massive volumes of new dark energy is accelerating the expansion of our universe and could eventually affect the way other forces in our universe interact?

    Sunday, August 19, 2018

    08-19-2018 Relevant Scientific Research Update To Marcas Major's "06-25-2018 You Have To Understand The Question Before You Can Give The Right Answer" Blog

    I updated the "06-25-2018 You Have To Understand The Question Before You Can Give The Right Answer" blog with an example of how the alarming increased volume of airborne, diseased ocean microbe coccolith "shells" might be affecting the earth's weather...

    “Airborne coccolith surface area and volume increased substantially in our lab system during viral infection compared to sea salt particles, which are the most ubiquitous primary marine aerosol component,” Trainic told Gizmodo. “In fact, the surface area of coccoliths reached up to 3.5 times higher than that of sea salt aerosol surface area.”

    Diseased Ocean Microbes Could Be Messing With the Weather by George Dvorsky 

    Friday, August 17, 2018

    08-17-2018 Dream of Alot of Early Twenty Males Taking Drugs

    I had a dream just after midnight in the early morning of 08-17-2018. It was a gruesome, dirty scene of a lot of male men in their early twenties taking drugs using needles.

    I got up  an hour later because I was having trouble sleeping after the dream and saw this disturbing article on the internet...tragic.

    New Haven emergency personnel respond to overdose cases on the New Haven Green in Connecticut on Wednesday. More than 30 people overdosed from a suspected bad batch of “K2” synthetic marijuana.Arnold Gold/AP

    "The ever-rising death toll from the synthetic opioid fentanyl showed graphically this week how vulnerable the United States has become to powerful drugs concocted in laboratories.
    On the same day that more than two dozen people were raced from a New Haven, Conn., park to emergency rooms after violent reactions to synthetic marijuana, federal authorities announced that more than 72,000 people had died of drug overdoses nationwide in 2017. Leading the death toll is the increasing number of fatalities from fentanyl.
    “It is the 2.0 of drugs right now, the synthetics,” said Tom Synan, the police chief in Newtown, Ohio."

    Thursday, August 16, 2018

    08-16-2018 Adding To The Body of Scientific Knowledge

    I am encouraged by the new openness to alternative ideas I see happening in the world of science. Scientists are following ideas and analyzing them now no matter how bizarre they may seem.

    For example, I am starting to see some of the alternative ideas I have proposed, in my "Religion of One" blog, being incorporated in some of the Science Channel TV episodes such as "How The Universe Works" and "Space's Deepest Secrets" I have watched lately.

    At the least, I feel like I am independently verifying the same conclusions working scientists are coming to. At the most, I hope I give working scientist and theorists some more ideas, from their perspective, to ponder and validate. I have a Bachelor of Science degree (BS), a Masters in Business (MBA) and several technical certifications. My blog is all about adding to the scientific body of knowledge by documenting my subconscious dreams and observations over time no matter how unrealistic they may seem to be.

    People from all over the world are reading my blog and are open to pondering new perspectives on life in this universe and beyond.

    Thank you for taking time out to follow my journey with me through "My Subconscious Mind".

    Figure 1: Total Pageviews of "The Religion of One" Blog By "Audience" Location:

    Wednesday, August 15, 2018

    08-14-2018 Update to my "Battered Shrimp and Shades of Blue"

    I was watching the third episode of the TV show "In Search Of" on the History Channel. The episode was called "Monsters of the Deep". Key words in the  "battered shrimp" dream I had on August 24th, 2010 matched the description of the mutated, blind shrimp found after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill cleanup in 2010 in the "beautiful shades of light and dark blue ocean"...

    I find it amazing eight years later to the month (August 2018 versus August 2010) when the dream occurred I get a match of words and images from my predictive dream while watching a TV show about "Monsters of the Deep"! The shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico were battered from the harsh dispersing chemicals used in the horrible oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Key words from the dream are "battered shrimp", brown,  Mexico, "Monsters of the Deep" and "beautiful shades of light and dark blue". 


    In one of the scenes of the show they interviewed a biologist who claimed they were pulling up shrimp from the Gulf of Mexico with strange mutations such as blindness. The biologist speculated the "battered" shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico were the result of mutations in the shrimp caused by the harsh dispersing chemicals used to remove the vast Deepwater Horizon oil spill which began on April 20 2010.

    Reference: Deepwater Horizon oil spill - Wikipedia
    The Deepwater Horizon oil spill (also referred to as the BP oil spill/leak, the BP oil disaster, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and the Macondo blowout) is an industrial disaster that began on 20 April 2010, in the Gulf of Mexico on the BP-operated Macondo Prospect, considered to be the largest marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum ...

    Almost decided not to blog this predictive dream. Had a dream August 24th, 2010 that was memorable. It had to do with me painstakingly making "battered shrimp". It was hard. I wanted the "battered shrimp" to be the right color but seemed to overcook them to a dark brown color and not the golden brown I was striving for. In the dream I kept seeing beautiful shades of light and dark blue- ocean colors. The reason I wasn't going to report this is because I am planning a trip down to Mexico early next year so I thought it might have to do with that. Then I remembered, in past monthly "Birthday Phenomena", it is the actual words in the dream that prove to be significant in predicting future events not the context of the dream- "battered shrimp" and "shades of blue". It will be interesting what these words end up predicting, in real life, of major significance over the next few months!
    Posted  by 

    Sunday, August 12, 2018

    08-10-2018 An "AHA!" Moment Regarding Distortion of Energy and Our Existence In the Universe

    If you don't have distortion of energy you don't have life.

    My slogan for successful creation of life is "Distortion, distortion, distortion!"

    A spider web is made up of a sticky yarn created by the spider and bonded together at specific points to make the unique spider web pattern. It is the specific points of bonding that make the spiders sticky yarn a death trap for insects flying into it. Essentially the spider web strands can be thought of as a form of pure energy distorted by bond points to form a web. The distorted web energy pattern is used to capture and store complex "food" energy for the spider's future use. The bond points on a spider web represent points of spider web energy distortion.

    There is a pattern of pure energy being distorted into a type of energy that can be stored and used in the future by plants and animals.

    Cells in plants and animals have figured out how to distort pure energy to a form it can store and use to create and repair living things in the future using partially sugar based DNA strands. Plants use chlorophyll to distort the sun's energy to sugar- a stored form of energy for the plant's use in the future.

    Distortion of energy creates life.

    I believe the distortion of a special type of energy we don't understand yet creates eternal emotions. Dark Energy is not well understood. It may have very different properties than "light" energy from the sun. I suspect dark energy is an "anti-matter" force capable of existing beyond space and time. Unique patterns of distorted dark energy may be where eternal emotions are stored. Eternal emotional energy is not dependent on space and time.

    What if all the white noise or distortion picked up by SETI satellites all these years is complete verification of life in the universe because distortion is the source of life in the universe?  The SETI satellites should have been pinpointing sources of higher distortion in the universe compared with the background distortion or "white noise" surrounding the points of high distortion in our universe to locate sources of other life in our universe.

    If we can start to think life is not the norm. It is a distortion of the physical norm in our universe. The concept of distortion works for me at so many levels from reality at the quantum physics level to the reality of our universe. 

    We can distort objects at a quantum level by simply observing them (Reference: Therefore I believe distortion should be made a basic requirement of natural science and our existence. We should concentrate on delving  deeper into distortion as a key driver of our existence in this universe. The norm based on the accepted theories of physics is a tendency towards boring uniformity. We all know life is messy. Life is messy because it is spawned from distortion from the norm. Just think of children going through puberty- a true distortion from the norm. :-)

    How does nature make our lives so distorted and messy when compared to the norm? We should look at how nature distorts physical reality and possibly space and time itself to allow us to survive in this messy universe.

    Distortion Photo Source: Online Microsoft Excel Photos

    Figure 1:

    Wednesday, August 08, 2018

    08-08-2018 Custer’s Last Stand at The Little BigHorn and My Psychic Connection

    I am on vacation in northern Montana. I’m writing ✍️ this blog as a placeholder at 2:30 AM because of some pretty remarkable matches to my pen name, Marcas Major, I found on the http://haunted website regarding the Battle of Little Bighorn. The Battle of Little Bighorn was. Custer’s  Last Stand. The battle occurred in South Eastern Montana on the 25th and 26th of June 1876. My most predictive time of each month is around the 24th.

    I can’t type well enough on an IPad to reveal all the details of my remarkable findings. One remarkable fact I found on the website matches my Religion of One blog’s pen name Marcas Major...”Major Marcas A. Reno and his defeated group...”. The name ”Marcas” is very rare. To find the name Major Marcas who died around the 24th of the month in a horrific, emotional battle is direct evidence emotions are eternal and we are all sensitive to particular periods of time and space in the past and in the future around the day of our birth! I have had dreams of the Little BigHorn Battle before (see 03-20-2017 “Do a Spin For Me” blog). I have much more to say in this blog once I get access to a keyboard ⌨️ 🧐.

    I'm back from vacation.

    I just wanted to detail the convoluted logic used to find the Little Bighorn battle website.

    When I was on vacation I visited a beautiful casino/golf resort on an Indian Reservation. A random person we passed walking down the hallway of the resort stopped us and pointed to a picture of four serious looking indians posing for the photo. Peeking behind the last indian posing on the right side of the picture was another old indian's face The indian's face was a ghost according to the person who stopped us and showed us the picture in the hallway.

    I felt the picture in the hallway of the resort was very disturbing because all the indians in the picture had hateful frowns on their face, as if to say, "We hate white men!"

    Then I traveled down to northern Montana to see Glacier National park. During the evening I felt a great desire to search for the name "Marcas Major" on the internet to see what type of hits I would get. To my surprise there was a new result from the "Marcas Major" search I had never seen before pointing me to the website.

    The ghost incident in the hallway and the new website I found ( website) started my conscious mind's pattern recognition engine and I came to the conclusion the spirits of the indians in the "ghost" picture I saw at the resort prompted me to look at the website as if to say, to their satisfaction, "We wiped out a lot of white men at the battle of the Little Bighorn!"

    My Model of the Universe and Beyond

    09-19-2016 Could Our Universe Be on The Surface of a Planet Made of Dark Matter?

    Could our Universe be on the surface of a planet made of dark matter? Could black holes simply be tornadoes on the surface of this dark mat...