Friday, August 17, 2018

08-17-2018 Dream of Alot of Early Twenty Males Taking Drugs

I had a dream just after midnight in the early morning of 08-17-2018. It was a gruesome, dirty scene of a lot of male men in their early twenties taking drugs using needles.

I got up  an hour later because I was having trouble sleeping after the dream and saw this disturbing article on the internet...tragic.

New Haven emergency personnel respond to overdose cases on the New Haven Green in Connecticut on Wednesday. More than 30 people overdosed from a suspected bad batch of “K2” synthetic marijuana.Arnold Gold/AP

"The ever-rising death toll from the synthetic opioid fentanyl showed graphically this week how vulnerable the United States has become to powerful drugs concocted in laboratories.
On the same day that more than two dozen people were raced from a New Haven, Conn., park to emergency rooms after violent reactions to synthetic marijuana, federal authorities announced that more than 72,000 people had died of drug overdoses nationwide in 2017. Leading the death toll is the increasing number of fatalities from fentanyl.
“It is the 2.0 of drugs right now, the synthetics,” said Tom Synan, the police chief in Newtown, Ohio."

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