Friday, August 24, 2018

08-23-2018 A Journey To Explain "The Theory of Everything" On Curiosity Stream TV

I have cable TV and have been enjoying watching TV episodes of "The Theory of Everything" on the Curiosity Stream TV station (Ref. during their free preview week.

I have not watched all the episodes but I am blown away with how far the understanding of the physical processes at all levels within out universe have been explained to this date in time.

I am also blown away at the pattern matches between key words in the "The Theory of Everything" episodes I have watched and the dreams I have blogged about. Key words such as "color", spin, space, time, and other modern explanations of quantum physics and quantum mechanics all fit within the context of dreams I have had.

It would take too much time to correlate all the pattern matches between significant dreams I have had and specific episodes of "The Theory of Everything" series on Curiosity Stream TV in one blog entry. Besides the Curiosity Stream episodes are only free this week! :-)

I will just note a few opinions about what I saw physicists struggling with based on what I am observing in my dreams regarding the attempt to come up with a "Theory of Everything".

My impressions from watching episodes of "The Theory of Everything" series are:

1) There is current frustration trying to nail down the concepts of antimatter, dark energy and dark matter. Here is what I have already concluded from examining my previous dreams, before watching specific episodes regarding antimatter, dark energy and dark matter on Curiosity Stream.
  • Based on my obervations in dreams I have had, I have come to the conclusion antimatter, dark energy and dark matter are not bound by the the concept of spacetime (Ref. Spacetime - Wikipedia In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model that fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional continuum. ...
    • Therefore, you cannot define antimatter, dark energy or dark matter with a formula using PI because, based on dreams I have had, PI is spacetime. You have to eliminate PI from any formulas defining antimatter, dark energy and dark matter.
      • My dreams are telling me all you need, at the most basic level of existence in this universe, are minute "shells" of spacetime. Pure energy can be isolated, distorted and frozen in a spacetime shell and used later to further distort energy into even more complex matter we observe in life and in our universe. Matter in the universe is a result of "points" of distorted energy frozen in spacetime and eventually released at controlled or uncontrolled intervals in spacetime. Conservation of energy seems to be a natural result of distorting pure energy sources using spacetime. 
      • In my color dream I was told to spin to reveal my true colors. After my “color revealing” dream and watching the episodes of Curiosity Stream’s “The Theory of Everything” I would suggest they try “spinning” electrons and protons to reveal their “true colors” of the quantum bits they are made of- not blast them to oblivion.
      •  In another dream I had it suggested using infrared light to “see” dark matter life.
      • Pure energy itself is timeless. To make pure energy available in our universe you must distort it and "freeze" it for future use in spacetime.
      • Emotions are timeless. Emotions may be a form of distorted, antimatter energy outside of spacetime in another dimension.
      • Antimatter exists and is needed to balance particles in our universe to form the "stable state" of existence in our universe just like water is needed to maintain the stable state of a cell in living things. I believe antimatter can only exist in another dimension we haven't discovered yet. Dark energy may be the "essence" of antimatter and is not affected by spacetime. Maybe nature is copying a two dimension model where the mitochondria membrane represents the antimatter dimension. A  pure energy furnace in a separate dimension (cell membrane) is  used to coordinate energy transfer to the nucleus membrane where energy distortion events within the spacetime barrier we call our universe occur. The nucleus membrane of cells in living things represents a separate dimension where spacetime can be used to distort energy. You need two dimensions or cell membranes to create life. An energy source dimension (cell mitochondria) and an energy distortion dimension (cell nucleus). You need two dimensions to create energy distortion in spacetime- matter and antimatter dimensions.
      • Update 08-25/26-2018..,
        • Perhaps the result of pure, extremely high energy minus the burden of spacetime is a static field of dark energy. There would be no way for dark energy to accelerate at all unless it entered a dimension of spacetime- probably during the "Big Bang". 
        • We should have an upside down PI symbol to represent "anti-PI".  "PI shells" are where timespace exists and "anti-PI shells" are where timespace doesn't exist! These make complete shells where heaven and earth can exist.
        • There may be many of these paired halves of "PI" and "anti-PI" shells out there! "PI and anti-PI" shells result when an energy distortion occurs in a pure, static dark energy field- during a "Big Bang".
        • Gravity and anti-gravity could be caused by distortions in a static, dark energy field. The forces of gravity and anti-gravity create "PI" and anti-PI" shells of reality.
        •  Distortions of a static, pure dark energy field caused by the "Big Bang" could create gravity/anti-gravity waves within "PI" shell(s) of timespace.
        • Is the source of gravity and anti-gravity just a distortion in a static field of dark energy caused by the "Big Bang"?
        • Does normal matter coalesce differently in a black hole than dark matter ultimately resulting in a highly compact and explosive pure matter "PI" shell within a static sea of pure, dark energy?
    • My dreams have suggested at the center of each atom is a black hole. I am starting to think dark matter may have some strong connection link between matter in atoms and the black hole at the center of each atom in the universe where dark matter is “recycled”into a timeless void. This strong connection may cause antimatter distortions in a timeless dimension connected to the atomic black hole.
    • Dark energy might  be formed in existing black holes from dark matter or maybe dark matter and normal matter.Curiosity Stream episodes I have seen do not rule out the idea it could take a massive amount of energy to convert matter into dark energy only a black hole "furnace" can deliver. Black holes become a super furnace to break down the "matter" in our universe into pure dark energy. Pure dark energy is timeless and can cross through cell membranes or dimensions of spacetime. Dark energy may be similar to water permeating cell membranes. Like water, dark energy may be necessary for timespace survival. That is why I think it could be the essence of antimatter that is timeless and can “permeate” multiple dimensions.
    • Pure dark energy created from existing black holes in our universe could be what is causing our universe to accelerate in expansion.
    • All my dreams point to energy distortion at the root of life itself. Nature has a way of isolating this energy distortion "furnace" in two separate mitochondria and nucleus membranes in each cell in our body. They work together to distort energy to create life.
    •  Water permeating cells is vital to the cells survival. A cell is sort of an isolated shell to create a store of potential energy for future creation of life and use by living things.
    • The process of storing potential energy in "isolated shells" of spacetime for future use in nature within cell membranes may mimic exactly how the subatomic particles store pure energy in our universe at a subatomic or quantum physics level for future use in spacetime shells.
My thoughts listed above may appear to be random thoughts from watching TV shows except I noticed I am completing this blog on my most significant, predictive day of each month- the 24th. I believe it is more likely it was my fate to write this blog now. I don't plan these significant events ahead of time. They just happen!

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