Wednesday, August 08, 2018

08-08-2018 Custer’s Last Stand at The Little BigHorn and My Psychic Connection

I am on vacation in northern Montana. I’m writing ✍️ this blog as a placeholder at 2:30 AM because of some pretty remarkable matches to my pen name, Marcas Major, I found on the http://haunted website regarding the Battle of Little Bighorn. The Battle of Little Bighorn was. Custer’s  Last Stand. The battle occurred in South Eastern Montana on the 25th and 26th of June 1876. My most predictive time of each month is around the 24th.

I can’t type well enough on an IPad to reveal all the details of my remarkable findings. One remarkable fact I found on the website matches my Religion of One blog’s pen name Marcas Major...”Major Marcas A. Reno and his defeated group...”. The name ”Marcas” is very rare. To find the name Major Marcas who died around the 24th of the month in a horrific, emotional battle is direct evidence emotions are eternal and we are all sensitive to particular periods of time and space in the past and in the future around the day of our birth! I have had dreams of the Little BigHorn Battle before (see 03-20-2017 “Do a Spin For Me” blog). I have much more to say in this blog once I get access to a keyboard ⌨️ 🧐.

I'm back from vacation.

I just wanted to detail the convoluted logic used to find the Little Bighorn battle website.

When I was on vacation I visited a beautiful casino/golf resort on an Indian Reservation. A random person we passed walking down the hallway of the resort stopped us and pointed to a picture of four serious looking indians posing for the photo. Peeking behind the last indian posing on the right side of the picture was another old indian's face The indian's face was a ghost according to the person who stopped us and showed us the picture in the hallway.

I felt the picture in the hallway of the resort was very disturbing because all the indians in the picture had hateful frowns on their face, as if to say, "We hate white men!"

Then I traveled down to northern Montana to see Glacier National park. During the evening I felt a great desire to search for the name "Marcas Major" on the internet to see what type of hits I would get. To my surprise there was a new result from the "Marcas Major" search I had never seen before pointing me to the website.

The ghost incident in the hallway and the new website I found ( website) started my conscious mind's pattern recognition engine and I came to the conclusion the spirits of the indians in the "ghost" picture I saw at the resort prompted me to look at the website as if to say, to their satisfaction, "We wiped out a lot of white men at the battle of the Little Bighorn!"

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