Monday, August 27, 2018

08-27-2018 Final Words On The Creation of The Universe and an AHA! Moment

I have had a few days to digest my last blog of thoughts on "The Theory of Everything" series I watched on Curiosity Stream. I snuck in one more episode before the free week viewing of Curiosity Stream went off the air. The last episode I saw was on "String Theory".

So my mind mulls over the latest facts I have over the weekend- which now includes a summary of "String Theory".

My conclusions are...

1) Physicists are really smart and seem to be extremely close to coming up with a whole picture of "The Theory of Everything". Then I realized my most fundamental idea of "anti-PI shells" starts looking a lot like the negative electron cloud whizzing around protons and neutrons in an atom. Eureka! AHA! So physicists may be very close indeed to completing the "Theory of Everything". It wouldn't surprise me if this static dark energy field in another dimension I propose is a static field of super high energy "strings". It wouldn't surprise me if there are "anti-PI" shells with  super high energy positive "anti-electron" fields surrounding negative anti-protons and neutral anti-neutrons!

2) My conclusion is, it looks like physicists just need to stop using PI in formulas to describe "String Theory" and Supersymmetry to get the "Theory of Everything" right (if they are...), they need to put a "super" spin on the particles studied in the LHC to find the "anti-PI" strings Supersymmetry proposes and maybe shine an infrared light on them to actually see these "dark" sub-particles unless the fact these particles are in another dimension prevents viewing the dark sub-particles.. Bizarre idea I had in dreams but seem to have some merit based on current quark research- in my opinion.

Details regarding my above conclusion...

I questioned whether my random ideas in my last blog were embarrassingly far out and ridiculous.
Normally, I don't care what people think because I have nothing to prove to anyone at this point in my life- but the thought did occur.
    • I start thinking about the idea of "String Theory". The episode mentioned an idea of supersymmetry where there is a paired particle for every particle out there already discovered in the "quarks" world. I missed seeing the episode on supersymmetry but just looked it up now. (Ref."Supersymmetry is an extension of the Standard Model that aims to fill some of the gaps. It predicts a partner particle for each particle in the Standard Model. These new particles would solve a major problem with the Standard Model – fixing the mass of the Higgs boson. If the theory is correct, supersymmetric particles should appear in collisions at the LHC."
  • So I am not far off at all. In fact I am just stating the idea of a bunch of "static" buzzing "String Theory" strings resident in another dimension with "anti-Pi" shells caused by distortions in a static anti-PI dark energy field when a "Big Bang" occurs. The"strings" in the static dark energy field within another dimension have to be super high energy because it takes a "black hole" furnace to get existing matter in our universe back to the fundamental form of a "string" in another dimension.
  • Then I randomly find this article while searching for "Quarks and Supersymmetry" on the internet. It verifies extremely high energy levels of particles whizzing around the early universe right after the "Big Bang". In my previous article I proposed they could find more about quarks if they started spinning electrons and protons instead of blasting them. The following article seems to confirm my idea the "strings" in the other dimension I propose have super high energy levels when in the proposed static dark energy field in another dimension. (Ref:

'Perfect liquid' quark-gluon plasma is the most vortical fluid

  • Swirling soup of matter's fundamental building blocks spins 10 billion trillion times faster than the most powerful tornado, setting new record for 'vorticity'

    August 2, 2017
    DOE/Brookhaven National Laboratory
    Particle collisions recreating the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) that filled the early universe reveal that droplets of this primordial soup swirl far faster than any other fluid. The new analysis shows that the 'vorticity' of the QGP surpasses the whirling fluid dynamics of super-cell tornado cores and Jupiter's Great Red Spot, and even beats out the fastest spin record held by nanodroplets of superfluid helium.
  • Update 08-29-2018: Here is a rock I found in Eastern Oregon I cut open today. With all I've learned about the "Theory of Everything" I am going to title this picture of a rock "Static Distortions in Relatively Timeless Space".

  • I don't know about you but I look at this dense rock picture full of various squiggly distortion and I don't have any problem believing there is another timeless dimension with  massless, static, "anti-PI", squiggly strings of super high energy dark matter out there.

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