Thursday, August 16, 2018

08-16-2018 Adding To The Body of Scientific Knowledge

I am encouraged by the new openness to alternative ideas I see happening in the world of science. Scientists are following ideas and analyzing them now no matter how bizarre they may seem.

For example, I am starting to see some of the alternative ideas I have proposed, in my "Religion of One" blog, being incorporated in some of the Science Channel TV episodes such as "How The Universe Works" and "Space's Deepest Secrets" I have watched lately.

At the least, I feel like I am independently verifying the same conclusions working scientists are coming to. At the most, I hope I give working scientist and theorists some more ideas, from their perspective, to ponder and validate. I have a Bachelor of Science degree (BS), a Masters in Business (MBA) and several technical certifications. My blog is all about adding to the scientific body of knowledge by documenting my subconscious dreams and observations over time no matter how unrealistic they may seem to be.

People from all over the world are reading my blog and are open to pondering new perspectives on life in this universe and beyond.

Thank you for taking time out to follow my journey with me through "My Subconscious Mind".

Figure 1: Total Pageviews of "The Religion of One" Blog By "Audience" Location:

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My Model of the Universe and Beyond

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