Friday, August 27, 2010

Battered Shrimp and Shades of Blue

Almost decided not to blog this predictive dream. Had a dream August 24th, 2010 that was memorable. It had to do with me painstakingly making "battered shrimp". It was hard. I wanted the "battered shrimp" to be the right color but seemed to overcook them to a dark brown color and not the golden brown I was striving for. In the dream I kept seeing beautiful shades of light and dark blue- ocean colors. The reason I wasn't going to report this is because I am planning a trip down to Mexico early next year so I thought it might have to do with that. Then I remembered, in past monthly "Birthday Phenomena", it is the actual words in the dream that prove to be significant in predicting future events not the context of the dream- "battered shrimp" and "shades of blue". It will be interesting what these words end up predicting, in real life, of major significance over the next few months!

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