Friday, August 21, 2020

08-21-2020 Found A Recent Scientific Article Regarding My AHA Moment Regarding Seeing Ghosts


On 08-20-2020 I was browsing a web page and noticed the article titled "In Quantum Physics, Even Humans Act As Waves(3)". This article matches key words and ideas I wrote about in two blogs when I had an "AHA!" moment regarding seeing ghosts.

The article touches on the idea even humans can exhibit quantum "wave" properties instead of quantum "particle" properties under certain conditions-especially in low energy situations like extreme cold.

New scientific studies have come to the same conclusion I previously had in my referenced blogs(1,2). When quantum particles are in a low energy state they act more like waves than particles of matter. Even large, complex masses like humans, can exhibit wave-like behavior in low energy situations. This matches my "AHA" moment regarding the idea we are able to see wave-like forms of ghosts when we are in a low energy state of mind while settling down to sleep at night.

The article agrees with my conclusion to this "AHA" moment- the study of wave-like behavior in humans opens up a whole new branch of scientific research!

I also find it interesting I discovered the article(3) on the exact same day of the month (8/20/2020) three months after I wrote my blog titled "05-20-2020 Reduced Gamma Wave Activity Causes Visions Of Ghosts?"



1) 12-13-2019 My AHA Moment Regarding Seeing Ghosts (

2)  05-20-2020 Reduced Gamma Wave Activity Causes Visions Of Ghosts?

3) In Quantum Physics, Even Humans Act As Waves -
1 day ago · Even an entire human being, under the right conditions, can act like a quantum wave. (Although, good luck with measuring that.) Here’s the science behind what that all means.

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