Saturday, December 14, 2019

12-13-2019 My AHA Moment Regarding Seeing Ghosts

I was going to wait and release my new conclusion on the state I believe I must mentally be in to "see" ghosts. The reason I decided to blog, now, about my latest thoughts on the state of mind required to see ghosts is because it takes so long to research and write a brand new book. I make absolutely no money from anything I publish on this blog or books I write about this blog because I don't aggressively market the book. Therefore no one buys my books because they don't know they exist!
My ultimate goal is just to add to the body of knowledge regarding paranormal behavior in human beings, Deja vu instances and to develop a better understanding of how the subconscious mind functions at a quantum level.
Here is the logic behind my AHA moment regarding the state I need to be in to see ghosts...
What state was I in during the early morning of 
of 12-08-2019 when I saw ghosts"?
You have to be in a state of SCHIZOPHRENIA to see ghosts! 
Based on known quantum particle/wave behavior I believe if you are in a highly sleep deprived state (a trigger for schizophrenic behavior) you can really see ghosts and it isn’t your imagination running wild! 
It took me years to come to this conclusion.
12-08-2019 Rare Dream of Ghost's
"In the early morning of 12-08-2019 I had several quick visions of ghosts. I vowed the next time I saw a ghost I would try to note what physical state I was in because seeing ghosts are rare visions for me. I have a good idea of what state I need to be in to see ghosts now. I'll research my new "👻 ghost" ideas and publish the ideas and supporting research I've done in the next book I write..."
I also saw a vision of myself during the time I was seeing ghosts in my latest sleep deprived schizophrenic state of mind. My face in these schizophrenic visions was a mass of burned scars. It shocked me. I didn't add those extremely personal visions in my original blog. I admit, now, having these warped and burn scarred visions of myself at the same time I was seeing ghosts was further evidence I was in a state of schizophrenia!

I was extremely sleep deprived in the early morning I saw ghosts. I had spent most of the night and early morning the next day tweaking a painting I was working on. I get into almost a single minded, obsessive/compulsive state of mind when I get close to finishing a painting and want to get it done. It is an Attention Deficit Disorder behavior- hyperfocus. 
I was mentally exhausted with a VERY LOW ENERGY LEVEL. This is the AHA! moment my logical mind picked up on. I somehow had a clue state of severe sleep deprivation and very low energy makes you vulnerable to unusual, SCHIZOPHRENIA!
After thinking about it for a few days and reviewing videos on the history of Quantum Physics principles my subconscious mind said ,
"Of course! When your mind is in a state of extreme sleep deprivation, hence low energy, you will see ghosts made out of waves and not particles! If you can measure a wave length isn't that the same as "seeing" the wave? Therefore I can see "waves" of ghosts in a low energy, sleep deprived environment!"
This is due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle or indeterminacy principle. Low energy sub-atomic particles act more like waves than they do like particles! At a quantum level of sub-atomic particle existence, the longer the wave length (lower energy waves) the easier it is to measure the velocity of the wave- you give up knowing the location of the sub-atomic particle(s). 
Sub-atomic particle's properties become more wave-like than particle-like in low energy wave environments!
Sub-atomic particles can only be seen when they are in a high energy state a normal, conscious human being is in- the velocity of the high-energy sub-atomic particles becomes difficult, if not impossible, to measure in a high energy, sub-atomic particle state.
Therefore, if your subconscious mind is working at a low energy quantum level, the ghostly visions you are seeing in your low energy, schizophrenic, hallucinatory state of mind are made up of WAVES and not particles!!!
Perfectly logical.
You can see ghosts because you are in a low energy state of mind where you can see intelligent entities existing as waves and not particles at a low energy, wave based, sub-atomic particle level.
This conclusion makes sense on so many levels of what we have observed from paranormal observations by numerous people. I am thinking most of these psychic kids out there seeing ghosts all the time are in a perpetual state of sleep deprivation. This makes them even more vulnerable to seeing ghost entities in a low energy wave environment! These kids need to get a good sleep to reduce their abilities to see ghosts!
There is also a lot known about the schizophrenic state of mind. Not all forms of schizophrenia are considered bad. My mother-in-law became severely schizophrenic after intense radiation therapy to halt an aggressive form of brain cancer she had developed. The doctors treating her finally got the brain cancer to go into remission but she was no longer the same person we knew. She started wearing sunglasses and was sure she heard people plotting to blow up the extended care facility we placed her in so she could physically recover from her intense chemotherapy and radiation treatments.
My mother-in-law was in bad shape. Luckily she died quickly after exhibiting the bizarre schizophrenic behavior.
I am thinking sleep deprivation could be a way to study wave-like, paranormal entities. If you can get yourself into a low energy, Schizophrenic state of mind you will be able to observe entities made out of waves instead of particles! This is due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle or indeterminacy principle. Low energy sub-atomic particles act more like waves than they act like particles!
1) Schizophrenia: Definition, Symptoms, Causes ... - WebMD Dec 19, 2018 ...
Schizophrenia is a fairly common and debilitating mental illness. Learn more from WebMD about its causes, symptoms, types, and treatments.
Schizophrenia Center: Types, Symptoms ... - WebMD Dec 3, 2019 ... Here you'll find in-depth schizophrenia information including drugs and other treatments, as well as its causes and symptoms.
Schizophrenia and the Brain - WebMD Doctors don't know what causes schizophrenia. It could be passed down in families, but not everyone who has schizophrenia has a close relative (like a parent, ...
Schizophrenia Symptoms: Positive and Negative ... - WebMD Dec 20, 2018 ... Schizophrenia changes how you think, feel, and act. Its symptoms are grouped as positive, negative, and cognitive. Not everyone will have the ..
2) Sleep deprivation leads to symptoms of schizophrenia … Twenty-four hours of sleep deprivation can lead to conditions in healthy persons similar to the symptoms of schizophrenia. This discovery was made by an ...
Severe Sleep Deprivation Causes Hallucinations and a … 10, 2018 ... Studies in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder show that sleep ..... Similarly, prolonged sleep deprivation in rats and other animals can cause ...
Sleep deprivation leads to symptoms of schizophrenia …  Jul 7, 2014 ... Twenty-four hours of sleep deprivation can lead to conditions in healthy persons similar to the symptoms of schizophrenia. This discovery was ...
Schizophrenia and Sleep - Sleep Health Foundation People with schizophrenia can suffer from 'psychosis' when unwell. ... to get to sleep or stay asleep because of psychotic symptoms that cause fear or anxiety.
3) Definition of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
Alternative Titles: Heisenberg uncertainty principle, indeterminacy principle
 WRITTEN BY:The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
 See Article History
"Uncertainty principle, also called Heisenberg uncertainty principle or indeterminacy principle, statement, articulated (1927) by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg, that the position and the velocity of an object cannot both be measured exactly, at the same time, even in theory. The very concepts of exact position and exact velocity together, in fact, have no meaning in nature.Every particle has a wave associated with it; each particle actually exhibits wavelike behaviour. The particle is most likely to be found in those places where the undulations of the wave are greatest, or most intense. The more intense the undulations of the associated wave become, however, the more ill defined becomes the wavelength, which in turn determines the momentum of the particle. So a strictly localized wave has an indeterminate wavelength; its associated particle, while having a definite position, has no certain velocity. A particle wave having a well-defined wavelength, on the other hand, is spread out; the associated particle, while having a rather precise velocity, may be almost anywhere. A quite accurate measurement of one observable involves a relatively large uncertainty in the measurement of the other."

Final Thoughts:
I believe the study of low energy waves is a whole new environment we have yet to explore. Low energy waves replace sub-atomic particles in low energy environments.
If there is not a lot of space to move around, like rocks, trees or a portion of black holes, low energy waves may be the only thing you need to create intelligent, sentient entities! Trees may be more intelligent than you think! There is already evidence of intelligent choices a group of trees makes based on studies regarding the rerouting of crucial nourishment from old trees to surrounding young trees! Better yet, low energy, background microwaves in the universe may lead us to the discovery our universe is really an intelligent universe!
Update 12-18-2019: One of the reasons you can create complex organisms from a simple color palette is because light, which is made of different wavelengths of color, are constant in this universe. The different colored frequencies do not change regardless of space or time. A blue colored frequency is always blue and a red colored frequency is always red- until it interacts with another color or combination of colors. We need to better understand the interactions of other forces in the universe with specific color frequencies.
It is interesting I am blogging this on the 13th of December, 2019. In previous blogs I have noted the number 13 is significant and any blogs I have around the 12th or 24th of the month are highly predictive of future, actual events that will occur.
 Good night and have a good sleep! :-)

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