Sunday, August 23, 2020

08-23-2020 My New Idea To Stop Forest Fires

 I woke early on 08-23-2020 and started worrying about all the forest fires 🔥 in Oregon and California directly affecting family andHow can we friends? Then I quickly came up with an idea. I believe we have the technology available to create this new idea. 

We could create masses of nanotechnology drones in the sky in no fly zones around the world. These small drones would be able to sustain themselves at a certain elevation in the sky indefinitely. They would create little solar powered sacs of hot air to keep them floating. We could distribute a zillion of these nanotechnology air balloons at a certain elevation and build enough hardware into them to be able to extract moisture from the air and heat sense large fires below them in forests. We could have the nanotechnology drones join together magnetically when ever they sense larger, hot fires below them using infrared technology. The nanotechnology drones would only magnetically join together using heat sensors to the size of the fire detected below or a percentage larger than the area of the fire below. The mass of nanotechnology drones would artificially rain on the hot fire below to help put it out and then automatically disperse after the temperature of the fire below decreases to a certain, predefined level.

I bet if tried hard enough we could invent something like this.

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