On the evening of 08-12-2020 I crawled into bed and tried to relax enough to fall asleep. It was taking longer than normal so I started squinting my eyes in the dark to see if I could see any ghosts or activity in another dimension. It is the state between being awake and almost asleep where I am able to squint my eyes and see strange clips of activity- normally clips of everyday activities such as someone drying their face with a towel, etc. Sometimes I see ghosts.
Last night I squinted my eyes and saw video clips of movement in only a small section of my field of view as I squinted my eyes. The white background the clips of activities occurred on looked like a blank sheet of paper for a computer printer. The clips of activity were all two dimensional cartoon characters. The length of each scene I saw on the small section of printer paper were very short- maybe five seconds max. The only short cartoon scene I remember well is of two cartoon figures (almost stick figure drawings in simplicity) trying to dig their way out of the room they were in. Again, the room was simply the white background the cartoon characters were digging out of. There were large, black scribbles of dirt drawn on the printer paper showing their progress in digging their way out of the white room. Finally they jumped in the hole they dug and the cartoon clip ended. I tried to move on to a more interesting “dimension” by willing my subconscious to look elsewhere for more interesting three dimensional worlds as I squinted my eyes. I couldn’t seem to jump to another more interesting dimension and kept seeing very short cartoon clips enter the white screen background. It was a little too high energy for me, watching all these cartoon clips, when I was trying to fall asleep. It was as if I had tapped into a TV cartoon channel but the intense, random activities in the cartoon clips I saw had no logical progression to them. It was so weird to see all these two dimensional cartoon scenes by squinting my eyes a little bit while trying to get to sleep. It has never happened before.
Stranger yet was the next day on 08-13-2020 when an alert from YouTube popped up on my phone stating there was a new YouTube video I might be interested in watching called Black hole Bombshell...Top Astronomer Hints Universe Could Be A HOLOGRAM and everything we experience is really only on the two dimensional surface of a sphere which creates a HOLOGRAM universe we are in-like the cartoon character video clips I saw by squinting my eyes. I watched the YouTube video. The jargon and two-dimensional concepts were hard for me to really understand in this YouTube video.
One thing I noticed right away was their portrayal of a black hole drawn with criss-crossing, white lines and flared open ends. This white line image of an "open ended" black hole in the YouTube video exactly matches my vision of what I interpreted as a wormhole in my previous days blog entry.
“2) Snippets of DNA can survive the journey through a wormhole. I kept seeing someone snipping out a piece of red, yellow, red and green bands from a DNA strand. The next scene was this snippet of DNA entering a wormhole and coming out the other end. The wormhole shown in my dream was just a thin white outline of criss-crossed lines with flaring ends on either side of the "wormhole" tube."
Maybe my subconscious mind is trying to tell me snippets of DNA can survive going through a black hole instead of surviving the journey through a wormhole...or DNA can survive both journeys! Maybe a black hole is the same as a wormhole. Maybe the “eleventh hour” image in my previous blog’s dream is a warning we are approaching the eleventh hour of our human existence on earth and we better figure out how to send snippets of DNA through black holes or wormholes if we want to survive as a species.
YouTube Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QH8goKoZoU&t=335s
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