I have previously proposed ideas regarding what dark matter and dark energy are and even proposed each atom has a black hole in the middle of it (https://relofone.blogspot.com/2018/08/08-23-2018-journey-to-explain-theory-of.html).
"My dreams have suggested at the center of each atom is a black hole. I am starting to think dark matter may have some strong connection link between matter in atoms and the black hole at the center of each atom in the universe where dark matter is “recycled”into a timeless void. This strong connection may cause antimatter distortions in a timeless dimension connected to the atomic black hole."
My subconscious mind again proposes a novel idea based on my past dreams and research,
"Maybe we are missing another element in every atom of our universe-dark matter. Maybe dark matter's sole purpose is to absorb energy in the Universe after the Big Bang. Maybe dark matter is like a miniscule anti-Tesla coil in the middle of each atom with energy absorbing tendrils reaching out into our universe and capturing energy originally released from the big bang. Other forces like gravity, spacetime and magnetism shape the atom's final form. Maybe black holes are simply pure dark matter with almost limitless energy absorbing power."
It changes the idea of how a yellow flower petal looks yellow. The budding plant has figured out how to absorb all the light hitting the flower into the dark matter core of each atom in the yellow flower petal except for the "yellow" band of light we see the flower petal to be.
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