Thursday, December 19, 2019

12-18 2019 A Brash and Bold Idea Why Our Universe Expansion Is Accelerating

My subconscious mind throws out answers at the most random times on ideas I am subconsciously thinking about.

My brash, bold subconscious decided to tell me a reason we could be observing an increase in acceleration of our universe is because we are actually falling back to the point of origin of the “Big Bang”. All the objects surrounding us are moving in the opposite direction than we are. The closer we are to the source of the Big Bang the faster the objects will appear to be expanding in the opposite direction around us. My subconscious mind tells me this type of universe acceleration is possible because the time and space around us are “relative”.

My logical mind retorts back, “Relative to what?”

My subconscious mind replies, “Relative to the point we observe the universe expanding.”

Are we somehow falling into a Black Hole towards the origin of the Big Bang?

Honestly, I don’t know how long, if ever, It will take me to understand my subconscious mind’s new idea 💡 of why we are observing an acceleration of expansion of our universe.

Interesting idea though.

 The acceleration of objects away from the original Big Bing would be fastest at the point of origin of the Big Bang. If we are falling back towards the origin of the Big Bang it makes sense we would observe an acceleration of the universe expanding around us.

Logically you would think the cone of objects we observe in the universe would be shrinking around us and not expanding. Wouldn’t some of the expanding objects also look like they were coming towards us in this scenario?

I think this is where the “Time and Space are relative to the point of observation” part of my subconscious mind’s explanation comes into play.

I don’t really understand it but now there is some food for thought. My logical mind just found a new leaf to follow from what my subconscious mind randomly injected into my logical mind to chew on,

 Maybe the people who observed the acceleration of expansion of our universe were not able to simultaneously observe the size of the cone of expansion at the same time they observed the acceleration of our universe.

Maybe our galaxy is denser than most galaxies and is being sucked backward or perpendicular to our universe into a super black hole somewhere closer to the origin of the universe or perpendicular to a flat plain of spacetime our universe exists in.

Now there is food for thought. Astronomers found a large black void in our universe devoid of galaxies. This black void is almost a billion light years across in size! (Reference:

My last blog mentions there should be "trails" of denser objects being sucked into black holes through the less dense bodies of objects surrounding close to a black hole like the trails of water droplets too heavy to stick to a glass shower door. What if those tell-tale "trails" of water trickling down a shower door trickled down perpendicular through the mass of lighter water droplets on the glass door! This implies there could be similar perpendicular black holes to our universe’s flat plane of spacetime directly sucking objects from our universe too dense to maintain the horizontal force of the expansion of our universe. This could also imply there are various sized bubbles of more dense universes ramming into our universe enough to suck material from it. (Reference: If your galaxy gets too dense you may just start trailing down into a perpendicular black hole perpendicular to our universe! We could be floating next to the opening of a super massive black hole!

We could have two types of black holes. Horizontal black holes marrying (merging) to other black holes and expanding our existing universe just like the boxes in a family tree diagram tracing back to your ancestors origins. You have siblings in your current universe spun from your mother and father merging with other families and expanding their "universe of family members" at the same level you do. Then you have the boxes above you and below you, in a family tree, where the "energy" came from to create you and where you created energy to spawn grandchildren below you! The same with black holes may exist. Horizontal black holes and vertical black holes! 

Genius idea!

Update 12-20-2019: I just discovered what I am proposing in this blog regarding replication of universes, like the replication of family members in a family tree, is just another example of Mandelbrot’s fractal geometry theory.

I am taking it one level lower and proposing the building blocks of a complex and intelligent universe are due to the replication and interaction of constant and unique colors of energy available to all universes. Unique, replicable, unchanging colors  become the building blocks of an intelligent universe. Black holes simply replicate the energy packets of color across our universe for expansion of our universe  in a horizontal plane or distribute the energy packets of color to other universes on a vertical plane to create a new level of intelligent universes just like the horizontal and vertical levels of a family tree. These packets of color interact within the confines of their hierarchical universe nested within their higher level, family tree of universes to create more beautiful, unique universes from natural selection of the most successful and virulent combinations of colored patterns needed to survive in the universe the colors exist in.

The hierarchy of a family tree of universes is the evolution process needed to create intelligent universes using virulent colored patterns of unchanging light, Simple, hierarchical (evolutionary) patterns of color are revised in a evolutionary pattern so “only the strongest colored patterns” are replicated to meet the ever changing intelligent needs of each universe expanding horizontally or replicated vertically within a forever replicating  hierarchy of universes.

Again, I see interesting matches in date patterns as I write this update to the blog on 12-20-2019. Mandelbrot was born on 11-20-1924 and died on 10-14-2010. He was born on the exact same day of the month I watch the the third show in the Quark series and find out my latest blogs are all about the replication of simple patterns in Nature. Replication of simple patterns to the smallest level of existence can produce amazingly complex shapes in nature. The numbers 20 and 24 are prominent in his birth date, his death date and the date I updated this blog. Around 24th day of the month is when I have my most predictive dreams and revelations! This keeps occurring to me. I don’t think having a revelation on how the universe is replicated using a simple set of hierarchical (evolutionary) rules of nature to the lowest level of existence on the same day the guy who is credited with discovery of fractal geometry that explains how this is possible is a coincidence. It is as if Mandelbrot is speaking from from his grave on his birth day and telling me how it all works!

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