Wednesday, December 04, 2019

012-04-2019 More Severe Flooding In The Future?

I feel obligated to report my dreams and visions because I feel with all my massive education in science, philosophy and technology I need to contribute to the future body of knowledge. Sometimes I don't want to blog what dreams and visions I have because I get tired of being the bearer of bad news.

I had a vision while trying to go to sleep on the night of December 2nd, 2019. Just a quick picture of a massive body of deep, dark blue water with all kinds of cars floating in it. I assume this is an image of severe flooding somewhere in the world at some point in the future.

I have had dreams and images like this before. I noticed on December 02, 2018 I had an "Image of Severe Flooding"- exactly one year ago from this severe flooding image. Interesting...

12-02-2018 Image of Severe Flooding 

Another severe flooding blog from 2012 is: 
You cannot stop the water - Dream 11/19/2012

Conclusion: My latest severe flooding image I saw a couple of days ago had much deeper flood waters than I have seen in the previous two images and dreams referenced above. I would guess the depth of the water in my latest severe flooding image was at least twenty-five feet deep- a massive amount of water! I conclude flooding in the world is about to get a lot worse.

The reason I decided to report my image of severe flooding from 12-02-2019 was because I just read on the internet a huge storm is moving into Southern California later this week.

Update 12-06-2019: No surprise to me, unusual 75 foot waves are slamming into the California coastline after I wrote this blog. An average of 46 feet and a rogue 75 foot wave hitting the California coastline is definitely”. an unusual amount of water”

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