Monday, December 16, 2019

12-16-2019 How Does Reflected Light In our Universe Affect Our View Of Reality?

How does reflected light alter our view of reality in our Universe and beyond our Universe?

Could we view into extra hidden dimensions if there was simply less reflective light in our Universe or if our Universe had dramatically fewer short wavelengths of light 😎?

Are there trails of empty space perpendicular to a black hole left over from objects with greater mass being dragged through a cloud of  lesser dense objects and into the black hole?

Is the clumping of water droplets on a wet shower door to the point they start "trailing" down the glass shower door the same behavior we expect to see from  objects exceeding the density needed to keep them spinning around a black hole?

Do black holes spin at all?

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My Model of the Universe and Beyond

09-19-2016 Could Our Universe Be on The Surface of a Planet Made of Dark Matter?

Could our Universe be on the surface of a planet made of dark matter? Could black holes simply be tornadoes on the surface of this dark mat...