Monday, December 30, 2019

12-30-2019 Dreams Of Things To Come In the Next Decade?

I was wondering if I would have any dreams at the end of 2019 warning me what I will have to look forward to in the next decade (2020 and on).

I woke up in the early morning of 12-30-2019. I was having some odd dreams. I decided to jot them down before going back to sleep. I was really tired.

I am glad I did because I don't really remember anything else about the dreams I had early this morning other than the following snippets I wrote down...

"A Mockingbird" that thirteen sing.

Governments around the world will struggle with more and more diverse groups of people pushing their own agendas and demanding government resources to support their agendas,

There will be a lot more mercenary fighters in the next decade who will gladly be paid to fight for the ever increasing diverse groups in the world who believe their way to live is right and how everyone else lives is wrong,

Odd dreams.

Friday, December 27, 2019

12-27-2019 Thoughts On "What Is Dark Matter?"

After watching the sixth episode of Quark Science regarding the quest to understand what Dark Matter is in the universe I went to sleep (Ref.

I woke up again in the early morning of 12-27-2019. My mind had apparently been pondering the thought, 'What is Dark Matter?" after watching the sixth episode of Quark Science,

My subconscious mind threw out the following conclusion when I woke up in the early morning of 12-27-2019 regarding what dark matter is.

“Dark Matter is dense, stationary light. It is what photons of color look like when they are compressed to the point of becoming a dense, stationary substance most likely transformed when captured in a black hole.”

Essentially dark  matter is the dense, stationary equivalent of fast moving, photon light in our universe. A caveat to that definition  is Dark Matter may consist of just the longer, slower moving wavelengths of light more prone to gravitational forces inside a black hole,

Don't shoot the messenger! I am just here to deliver the message.

Going back to sleep now,

Friday, December 20, 2019

12-20-2019 Aliens, Nazis And Orange Balls Of Light

I woke up around 12:30 AM on 12-20-2019 from two quick, informative dreams regarding aliens, Nazis and orange balls of light.

The first dream I had was a short retort from my subconscious mind regarding a previous blog I had written showing what looked like an alien on Mars hiding behind a big rock and spying on the the Mars Curiosity Rover taking a picture of the alien. (Ref.

My smart aleck subconscious mind said, "Isn't it obvious? The alien is relieving himself, in modesty, behind the rock. NASA's  Mars rover happened to capture the aliens moment of relief!"

Before I went to sleep on 12-19-2019 I had done a Google search on the name "Marcas Major" and the alien image showed up in the results of the "Marcas Major" internet search. My viewing of the alien image on the internet the before I went to sleep prompted my dream early the next morning and the subsequent retort from my subconscious mind regarding what the alien was really doing behind the rock.

Further Details:

These are the actual picture I published in my blog. I randomly found the first photo while browsing on the internet one day. NASA had just released new photos taken by the Mars Curiosity rover. It looks like a head was popping up behind a big boulder on the right hand of one of NASA's newly released Mars photos. I zoomed in on the right side of the photo on the internet where the head appeared to be popping up behind a Mars rock. To my surprise I saw a fuzzy image of a very TV-like looking alien creature hiding behind a big boulder! 
I originally felt it was just an odd arrangements of rocks behind the big boulder on Mars and my brain was warping the cluster of rocks into an image of an alien on Mars! The image very much looks like an alien leaning their arm behind a large boulder staring directly at the Mars Curiosity rover's camera though. No denying it.


The second dream I remember after waking up around 12:30 AM on 12-20-2019 was regarding a UFO show I had watched just before I went to sleep on 12-19-2019. I streamed the TV show on my IPad from the "History" channel app I downloaded. The exact TV show title on the History channel was called "Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation S1 E6 'The Revelation' which aired on July 05, 2019. It was regarding a team from the TV show going to the sites where strange orange balls of light had been hanging around cities in Indiana, Michigan and Arizona. Sightings of the orange balls coincided with cow mutilations being discovered in the same area and at the same time the intelligent acting orange balls of light were seen.

In my second dream I held one of the orange balls in my hand and immediately heard the word "Nazi!"- as clear as day. After I woke up around 12:30 AM on 12-20-2019 I immediately searched the internet for the words "Nazis and orange balls of light". Sure enough I got a hit. The article just so happened to be published by the History Channel I had watched the night before on orange balls of light sightings!

The matching article from the History Channel website is called "Mysterious UFOs Seen by WWII Airman Still Unexplained" (Reference:

Apparently sightings of these strange orange balls of light are quite common. There are many articles on the internet speculating the Nazis had copied an alien technology they found somehow and were developing it for nefarious purposes.

What I find interesting are the dates when the orange balls of light dubbed "foo fighter" lights were discovered in the History channel article. These "Nazi" orange balls of lights were all seen late in November, December 17th and December 22nd, 1944.

Today is December 20th, 2019. 

I am relating key words in my dream where I hold one of these orange balls of light in my hand and hear the word "Nazi", to an an actual event that happened to some WWII soldiers 75 years earlier! This is significant proof of paranormal behavior. The additional, remarkable twist is the fact my dream relating to the 75 year old sighting of "foo fighter" orange balls of light occurred almost exactly 75 years after the sighting of the "foo fighter" lights.

I always wonder how much truth there is behind all the psychic abilities shown on lucrative TV shows. I know I get no monetary compensation from my dreams. The psychic events I experience in my dreams are genuine. No one can convince me I am not seeing images and events beyond my normal human abilities in my dreams. 

I blog about it because it simply amazes me. I have a Bachelor of Science degree. I try to be totally unbiased and logical when I am observing these strange events.

"On December 17, 1944, near Breisach, Germany, a pilot was flying at approximately 800 feet when he saw “5 or 6 flashing red and green lights in ’T’ shape.” The lights seemed to follow him, closing in “to about 8 o’clock and 1,000 ft.” before disappearing as inexplicably as they came.

Then on December 22nd, two more flight crews sighted lights. One crew, near Hagenau, reported two lights in a large orange glow, seeming to rise from the earth to 10,000 feet, tailing the fighter “for approximately two minutes.” After that, the lights, “peel off and turn away, fly along level for a few minutes and then go out. They appear to be under perfect control at all times,” according to Keith Chester’s Strange Company: Military Encounters with UFOs in World War II.
And then there was Lt. Samuel A. Krasney’s experience: a wingless cigar-shape object, glowing red, just a few yards off the plane’s wingtip. Lt. Krasney, justifiably spooked, instructed the pilot to attempt evasive maneuvers, but the glowing object stayed right next to the jet for several minutes before it “flew off and disappeared.”
Eventually, the airmen named the lights: foo fighters, inspired by the comic strip “Smokey Stover,” in which Smokey (a firefighter) would often declare..."(Reference:
In my opinion, my dreams in the early morning of 12-20-2019 are further, clear evidence the subconscious mind can view random events from the past and analyze their relevancy to future events that have not occurred yet.
I have a feeling all the matching historical events I noticed matching to key words and images from my dreams in the early morning of 12-20-2019 are a warning these same type of alien and strange orange balls of lights events will occur more frequently in 2020!  In December of every year I have written these blogs I seem to have a cluster of dreams predicting notable, emotional events that will occur in the next year (i.e. 2020).

There is a good chance I have the interpretation of the future event wrong my subconscious mind is trying to warn me about with the key words ‘Nazi’ like decision making, alien(s), fiery orange-red ball(s) and WWII...Oh dear. Hope this isn’t a warning about Trump’s behavior in the next year!

You can watch out for future events in the next year or so and see if any of these future events happen to unquestionably match the key words, images and phrases from this blog entry.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

12-18 2019 A Brash and Bold Idea Why Our Universe Expansion Is Accelerating

My subconscious mind throws out answers at the most random times on ideas I am subconsciously thinking about.

My brash, bold subconscious decided to tell me a reason we could be observing an increase in acceleration of our universe is because we are actually falling back to the point of origin of the “Big Bang”. All the objects surrounding us are moving in the opposite direction than we are. The closer we are to the source of the Big Bang the faster the objects will appear to be expanding in the opposite direction around us. My subconscious mind tells me this type of universe acceleration is possible because the time and space around us are “relative”.

My logical mind retorts back, “Relative to what?”

My subconscious mind replies, “Relative to the point we observe the universe expanding.”

Are we somehow falling into a Black Hole towards the origin of the Big Bang?

Honestly, I don’t know how long, if ever, It will take me to understand my subconscious mind’s new idea 💡 of why we are observing an acceleration of expansion of our universe.

Interesting idea though.

 The acceleration of objects away from the original Big Bing would be fastest at the point of origin of the Big Bang. If we are falling back towards the origin of the Big Bang it makes sense we would observe an acceleration of the universe expanding around us.

Logically you would think the cone of objects we observe in the universe would be shrinking around us and not expanding. Wouldn’t some of the expanding objects also look like they were coming towards us in this scenario?

I think this is where the “Time and Space are relative to the point of observation” part of my subconscious mind’s explanation comes into play.

I don’t really understand it but now there is some food for thought. My logical mind just found a new leaf to follow from what my subconscious mind randomly injected into my logical mind to chew on,

 Maybe the people who observed the acceleration of expansion of our universe were not able to simultaneously observe the size of the cone of expansion at the same time they observed the acceleration of our universe.

Maybe our galaxy is denser than most galaxies and is being sucked backward or perpendicular to our universe into a super black hole somewhere closer to the origin of the universe or perpendicular to a flat plain of spacetime our universe exists in.

Now there is food for thought. Astronomers found a large black void in our universe devoid of galaxies. This black void is almost a billion light years across in size! (Reference:

My last blog mentions there should be "trails" of denser objects being sucked into black holes through the less dense bodies of objects surrounding close to a black hole like the trails of water droplets too heavy to stick to a glass shower door. What if those tell-tale "trails" of water trickling down a shower door trickled down perpendicular through the mass of lighter water droplets on the glass door! This implies there could be similar perpendicular black holes to our universe’s flat plane of spacetime directly sucking objects from our universe too dense to maintain the horizontal force of the expansion of our universe. This could also imply there are various sized bubbles of more dense universes ramming into our universe enough to suck material from it. (Reference: If your galaxy gets too dense you may just start trailing down into a perpendicular black hole perpendicular to our universe! We could be floating next to the opening of a super massive black hole!

We could have two types of black holes. Horizontal black holes marrying (merging) to other black holes and expanding our existing universe just like the boxes in a family tree diagram tracing back to your ancestors origins. You have siblings in your current universe spun from your mother and father merging with other families and expanding their "universe of family members" at the same level you do. Then you have the boxes above you and below you, in a family tree, where the "energy" came from to create you and where you created energy to spawn grandchildren below you! The same with black holes may exist. Horizontal black holes and vertical black holes! 

Genius idea!

Update 12-20-2019: I just discovered what I am proposing in this blog regarding replication of universes, like the replication of family members in a family tree, is just another example of Mandelbrot’s fractal geometry theory.

I am taking it one level lower and proposing the building blocks of a complex and intelligent universe are due to the replication and interaction of constant and unique colors of energy available to all universes. Unique, replicable, unchanging colors  become the building blocks of an intelligent universe. Black holes simply replicate the energy packets of color across our universe for expansion of our universe  in a horizontal plane or distribute the energy packets of color to other universes on a vertical plane to create a new level of intelligent universes just like the horizontal and vertical levels of a family tree. These packets of color interact within the confines of their hierarchical universe nested within their higher level, family tree of universes to create more beautiful, unique universes from natural selection of the most successful and virulent combinations of colored patterns needed to survive in the universe the colors exist in.

The hierarchy of a family tree of universes is the evolution process needed to create intelligent universes using virulent colored patterns of unchanging light, Simple, hierarchical (evolutionary) patterns of color are revised in a evolutionary pattern so “only the strongest colored patterns” are replicated to meet the ever changing intelligent needs of each universe expanding horizontally or replicated vertically within a forever replicating  hierarchy of universes.

Again, I see interesting matches in date patterns as I write this update to the blog on 12-20-2019. Mandelbrot was born on 11-20-1924 and died on 10-14-2010. He was born on the exact same day of the month I watch the the third show in the Quark series and find out my latest blogs are all about the replication of simple patterns in Nature. Replication of simple patterns to the smallest level of existence can produce amazingly complex shapes in nature. The numbers 20 and 24 are prominent in his birth date, his death date and the date I updated this blog. Around 24th day of the month is when I have my most predictive dreams and revelations! This keeps occurring to me. I don’t think having a revelation on how the universe is replicated using a simple set of hierarchical (evolutionary) rules of nature to the lowest level of existence on the same day the guy who is credited with discovery of fractal geometry that explains how this is possible is a coincidence. It is as if Mandelbrot is speaking from from his grave on his birth day and telling me how it all works!

Monday, December 16, 2019

12-16-2019 How Does Reflected Light In our Universe Affect Our View Of Reality?

How does reflected light alter our view of reality in our Universe and beyond our Universe?

Could we view into extra hidden dimensions if there was simply less reflective light in our Universe or if our Universe had dramatically fewer short wavelengths of light 😎?

Are there trails of empty space perpendicular to a black hole left over from objects with greater mass being dragged through a cloud of  lesser dense objects and into the black hole?

Is the clumping of water droplets on a wet shower door to the point they start "trailing" down the glass shower door the same behavior we expect to see from  objects exceeding the density needed to keep them spinning around a black hole?

Do black holes spin at all?

12-16-2019 Dream Of A Small Alien Spaceship Caught By Several Jet Fighters In Midair

I had a dream in the early morning of 12-16-2019. Several sleek looking fighter jets were stationary in midair surrounding a relatively meek looking, worn, small, dark navy blue UFO. This UFO looked a little like a small, two seat version of the new Tesla electric truck with no wheels. The UFO was a little more boxy and  had sharper angles than the new Tesla electric truck (Ref.

I was viewing the scene from the ground with a bunch of news reporters. One lady I must have known whispered in my ear,

"Great, my mother is in the UFO!"

It was as if this was a family secret of hers and it wasn't the first time her mother had flown off in a small, UFO somewhere and returned without notice.

Not this time!

The UFO was just hanging in midair, stationary with no sign of activity.

Then the dream morphed into what happened next.

Apparently the lady's mother in the UFO somehow escaped the craft without being seen. The jet fighters were still surrounding the UFO in midair. A military helicopter had come to the scene and a "special task force" soldier was being slowly lowered from the helicopter with some sort of hoist mechanism to the roof of the UFO.

In my dream I later learned the military force had eventually disabled the UFO to the point it just dropped to the ground for military recovery!


I have no idea where this dream came from in my head.

I didn't know how to spell "midair" and did a search for the "midair" on the internet.

This article caught my eye since the actual event apparently occurred sometime yesterday. Ref.
Based on the time difference between the west

The article caught my eye when I as searching for the word "midair" because it had key words matching my dream and was an emotionally charged event I may have randomly picked up on in my dream. Some of my random thoughts of this event matching the dream are:

1) All eyes were focused on these two planes about ready to crash into each other twenty hours ago.
2) You could interpret UFO to be airplanes occupying a space they shouldn't be in.
3) The lady in my dream's mother could easily be on one of the two planes in the near miss over Dublin.
4) Both airlines have "dark navy blue" as part of their airplane colors.
5) It is an emotionally charged event I could have easily picked up from  worldwide web of emotional "ether" anyone can sense.

I was curious to see what the actual airplane colors Ryan Air and Lingus Air had since they were the two airlines involved in the "near miss" collision in midair about 20 hours ago. Ryan Air's airplanes are a dark navy blue, gold and white in color! Air Lingus airplanes are dark navy blue, shamrock green, white and light blue in color.


I don't think so.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

12-13-2019 My AHA Moment Regarding Seeing Ghosts

I was going to wait and release my new conclusion on the state I believe I must mentally be in to "see" ghosts. The reason I decided to blog, now, about my latest thoughts on the state of mind required to see ghosts is because it takes so long to research and write a brand new book. I make absolutely no money from anything I publish on this blog or books I write about this blog because I don't aggressively market the book. Therefore no one buys my books because they don't know they exist!
My ultimate goal is just to add to the body of knowledge regarding paranormal behavior in human beings, Deja vu instances and to develop a better understanding of how the subconscious mind functions at a quantum level.
Here is the logic behind my AHA moment regarding the state I need to be in to see ghosts...
What state was I in during the early morning of 
of 12-08-2019 when I saw ghosts"?
You have to be in a state of SCHIZOPHRENIA to see ghosts! 
Based on known quantum particle/wave behavior I believe if you are in a highly sleep deprived state (a trigger for schizophrenic behavior) you can really see ghosts and it isn’t your imagination running wild! 
It took me years to come to this conclusion.
12-08-2019 Rare Dream of Ghost's
"In the early morning of 12-08-2019 I had several quick visions of ghosts. I vowed the next time I saw a ghost I would try to note what physical state I was in because seeing ghosts are rare visions for me. I have a good idea of what state I need to be in to see ghosts now. I'll research my new "👻 ghost" ideas and publish the ideas and supporting research I've done in the next book I write..."
I also saw a vision of myself during the time I was seeing ghosts in my latest sleep deprived schizophrenic state of mind. My face in these schizophrenic visions was a mass of burned scars. It shocked me. I didn't add those extremely personal visions in my original blog. I admit, now, having these warped and burn scarred visions of myself at the same time I was seeing ghosts was further evidence I was in a state of schizophrenia!

I was extremely sleep deprived in the early morning I saw ghosts. I had spent most of the night and early morning the next day tweaking a painting I was working on. I get into almost a single minded, obsessive/compulsive state of mind when I get close to finishing a painting and want to get it done. It is an Attention Deficit Disorder behavior- hyperfocus. 
I was mentally exhausted with a VERY LOW ENERGY LEVEL. This is the AHA! moment my logical mind picked up on. I somehow had a clue state of severe sleep deprivation and very low energy makes you vulnerable to unusual, SCHIZOPHRENIA!
After thinking about it for a few days and reviewing videos on the history of Quantum Physics principles my subconscious mind said ,
"Of course! When your mind is in a state of extreme sleep deprivation, hence low energy, you will see ghosts made out of waves and not particles! If you can measure a wave length isn't that the same as "seeing" the wave? Therefore I can see "waves" of ghosts in a low energy, sleep deprived environment!"
This is due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle or indeterminacy principle. Low energy sub-atomic particles act more like waves than they do like particles! At a quantum level of sub-atomic particle existence, the longer the wave length (lower energy waves) the easier it is to measure the velocity of the wave- you give up knowing the location of the sub-atomic particle(s). 
Sub-atomic particle's properties become more wave-like than particle-like in low energy wave environments!
Sub-atomic particles can only be seen when they are in a high energy state a normal, conscious human being is in- the velocity of the high-energy sub-atomic particles becomes difficult, if not impossible, to measure in a high energy, sub-atomic particle state.
Therefore, if your subconscious mind is working at a low energy quantum level, the ghostly visions you are seeing in your low energy, schizophrenic, hallucinatory state of mind are made up of WAVES and not particles!!!
Perfectly logical.
You can see ghosts because you are in a low energy state of mind where you can see intelligent entities existing as waves and not particles at a low energy, wave based, sub-atomic particle level.
This conclusion makes sense on so many levels of what we have observed from paranormal observations by numerous people. I am thinking most of these psychic kids out there seeing ghosts all the time are in a perpetual state of sleep deprivation. This makes them even more vulnerable to seeing ghost entities in a low energy wave environment! These kids need to get a good sleep to reduce their abilities to see ghosts!
There is also a lot known about the schizophrenic state of mind. Not all forms of schizophrenia are considered bad. My mother-in-law became severely schizophrenic after intense radiation therapy to halt an aggressive form of brain cancer she had developed. The doctors treating her finally got the brain cancer to go into remission but she was no longer the same person we knew. She started wearing sunglasses and was sure she heard people plotting to blow up the extended care facility we placed her in so she could physically recover from her intense chemotherapy and radiation treatments.
My mother-in-law was in bad shape. Luckily she died quickly after exhibiting the bizarre schizophrenic behavior.
I am thinking sleep deprivation could be a way to study wave-like, paranormal entities. If you can get yourself into a low energy, Schizophrenic state of mind you will be able to observe entities made out of waves instead of particles! This is due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle or indeterminacy principle. Low energy sub-atomic particles act more like waves than they act like particles!
1) Schizophrenia: Definition, Symptoms, Causes ... - WebMD Dec 19, 2018 ...
Schizophrenia is a fairly common and debilitating mental illness. Learn more from WebMD about its causes, symptoms, types, and treatments.
Schizophrenia Center: Types, Symptoms ... - WebMD Dec 3, 2019 ... Here you'll find in-depth schizophrenia information including drugs and other treatments, as well as its causes and symptoms.
Schizophrenia and the Brain - WebMD Doctors don't know what causes schizophrenia. It could be passed down in families, but not everyone who has schizophrenia has a close relative (like a parent, ...
Schizophrenia Symptoms: Positive and Negative ... - WebMD Dec 20, 2018 ... Schizophrenia changes how you think, feel, and act. Its symptoms are grouped as positive, negative, and cognitive. Not everyone will have the ..
2) Sleep deprivation leads to symptoms of schizophrenia … Twenty-four hours of sleep deprivation can lead to conditions in healthy persons similar to the symptoms of schizophrenia. This discovery was made by an ...
Severe Sleep Deprivation Causes Hallucinations and a … 10, 2018 ... Studies in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder show that sleep ..... Similarly, prolonged sleep deprivation in rats and other animals can cause ...
Sleep deprivation leads to symptoms of schizophrenia …  Jul 7, 2014 ... Twenty-four hours of sleep deprivation can lead to conditions in healthy persons similar to the symptoms of schizophrenia. This discovery was ...
Schizophrenia and Sleep - Sleep Health Foundation People with schizophrenia can suffer from 'psychosis' when unwell. ... to get to sleep or stay asleep because of psychotic symptoms that cause fear or anxiety.
3) Definition of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
Alternative Titles: Heisenberg uncertainty principle, indeterminacy principle
 WRITTEN BY:The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
 See Article History
"Uncertainty principle, also called Heisenberg uncertainty principle or indeterminacy principle, statement, articulated (1927) by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg, that the position and the velocity of an object cannot both be measured exactly, at the same time, even in theory. The very concepts of exact position and exact velocity together, in fact, have no meaning in nature.Every particle has a wave associated with it; each particle actually exhibits wavelike behaviour. The particle is most likely to be found in those places where the undulations of the wave are greatest, or most intense. The more intense the undulations of the associated wave become, however, the more ill defined becomes the wavelength, which in turn determines the momentum of the particle. So a strictly localized wave has an indeterminate wavelength; its associated particle, while having a definite position, has no certain velocity. A particle wave having a well-defined wavelength, on the other hand, is spread out; the associated particle, while having a rather precise velocity, may be almost anywhere. A quite accurate measurement of one observable involves a relatively large uncertainty in the measurement of the other."

Final Thoughts:
I believe the study of low energy waves is a whole new environment we have yet to explore. Low energy waves replace sub-atomic particles in low energy environments.
If there is not a lot of space to move around, like rocks, trees or a portion of black holes, low energy waves may be the only thing you need to create intelligent, sentient entities! Trees may be more intelligent than you think! There is already evidence of intelligent choices a group of trees makes based on studies regarding the rerouting of crucial nourishment from old trees to surrounding young trees! Better yet, low energy, background microwaves in the universe may lead us to the discovery our universe is really an intelligent universe!
Update 12-18-2019: One of the reasons you can create complex organisms from a simple color palette is because light, which is made of different wavelengths of color, are constant in this universe. The different colored frequencies do not change regardless of space or time. A blue colored frequency is always blue and a red colored frequency is always red- until it interacts with another color or combination of colors. We need to better understand the interactions of other forces in the universe with specific color frequencies.
It is interesting I am blogging this on the 13th of December, 2019. In previous blogs I have noted the number 13 is significant and any blogs I have around the 12th or 24th of the month are highly predictive of future, actual events that will occur.
 Good night and have a good sleep! :-)

Friday, December 13, 2019

12-13-2019 I Sense A Lot Of Tense Emotion In The World

I was woken up, suddenly, from an odd dream about gathering  a whole team to search for  a huge, ape-like creature in the wilderness. A young lady, kept warning me, “Don’t do it!”

A loud shout in my head woke me up, suddenly, from this dream about 4:00 AM this morning.

Conclusions from this dream:

 Before I went to bed I posted a picture of Billy Chinook Lake in Central Oregon on Facebook. I had taken a short hike up a ridge to get a grand view of the lake and it’s surroundings. Pretty remote looking area in Central Oregon but not really too far off the beaten path. I had also watched a new show on TV, last Sunday, about a team searching for a Sasquatch (large, ape-like creature) in the remote, Central Oregon wilderness using the latest scientific equipment like Lidar surveying equipment.

Another emotional event occurred right before I went to bed last night. I read a news alert regarding the current, emotional debate in Congress to impeach the current US President. The judicial committee’s debate on the wording of the impeachment documents ended abruptly last night before a final vote could be made to release the impeachment documented and hand them over to the Senate to, most likely, reject. This abrupt ending of the meeting upset a lot of the attendees. The news alert speculated the leader of the committee wanted a time where more of the public could watch the final vote of this rare event on Friday the thirteen!

Friday the thirteenth is a very unlucky day for many. A hauntingly, scary day.

The fact I was woken up from a loud shout in my head on Friday the thirteenth is not surprising to me. Many emotionally charged events were running through my head before I went to sleep. I didn’t even think about the fact it was also Friday the thirteenth. All these facts makes me believe my subconscious mind is just telling me there is a lot of emotional energy swirling around the world right  now and I sensed the intensity of it to the point it woke me up!

Sunday, December 08, 2019

12-08-2019 Rare Dream of Ghost's

In the early morning of 12-08-2019 I had several quick visions of ghosts. I vowed the next time I saw a ghost I would try to note what physical state I was in because seeing ghosts are rare visions for me. I have a good idea of what state I need to be in to see ghosts now. I'll research my new "👻 ghost" ideas and publish the ideas and supporting research I've done in the next book I write.

The ghosts I saw were simply glimpses of every day life. There was one early 40ish guy changing his pull on t-shirt or shirt of some kind. There were about four images similar to this. Not very memorable except for the vision of an old man bustling around in a room. He was a little hunched over like he was rearranging objects on low height objects (coffee tables, end tables, etc.). He glimpsed to the location I was watching him and lifted up his arm, his palm open, shielding his eyes from the vision of me observing him. It was as if he saw something he had seen before and didn't want anything to do with it. Maybe I was a vision of a ghost to him! The 👻 ghosts in my visions were a transparent grey color. They had normal sized human  figures.

Saturday, December 07, 2019

12-07-2019 Hidden Masterpieces

I had a dream a couple of days ago (12-05-2019). It was a vision of a hidden room in a mansion somewhere in the world. The hidden room had all kinds of lost masterpieces including sculptures paintings and ceramics. The hidden room was no more than 12 feet by 12 feet. I saw “The Blue Boy” portrait in oil by Thomas Gainsborough there.

Not sure what this dream means. “ The Blue Boy” currently hangs in Huntington Library in California. I usually check the date the random person was born and died in dreams like this to try see if it relates to my birthday somehow. Nope. Thomas Gainsborough was born on 5-14-1727 and died on 8-2-1788.

Thursday, December 05, 2019

12-05-2019 My Latest Mixed Medium Painting - "Emotions"

Tried to get a little more abstract and creative. Might be my front cover for my next book👍😁!

Notice the shadow cast on the colors behind the lady. A little dense dark energy and a rainbow of pure emotional colors is becoming my favorite theory of how all us exist beyond space and time in the afterlife.

Wednesday, December 04, 2019

012-04-2019 More Severe Flooding In The Future?

I feel obligated to report my dreams and visions because I feel with all my massive education in science, philosophy and technology I need to contribute to the future body of knowledge. Sometimes I don't want to blog what dreams and visions I have because I get tired of being the bearer of bad news.

I had a vision while trying to go to sleep on the night of December 2nd, 2019. Just a quick picture of a massive body of deep, dark blue water with all kinds of cars floating in it. I assume this is an image of severe flooding somewhere in the world at some point in the future.

I have had dreams and images like this before. I noticed on December 02, 2018 I had an "Image of Severe Flooding"- exactly one year ago from this severe flooding image. Interesting...

12-02-2018 Image of Severe Flooding 

Another severe flooding blog from 2012 is: 
You cannot stop the water - Dream 11/19/2012

Conclusion: My latest severe flooding image I saw a couple of days ago had much deeper flood waters than I have seen in the previous two images and dreams referenced above. I would guess the depth of the water in my latest severe flooding image was at least twenty-five feet deep- a massive amount of water! I conclude flooding in the world is about to get a lot worse.

The reason I decided to report my image of severe flooding from 12-02-2019 was because I just read on the internet a huge storm is moving into Southern California later this week.

Update 12-06-2019: No surprise to me, unusual 75 foot waves are slamming into the California coastline after I wrote this blog. An average of 46 feet and a rogue 75 foot wave hitting the California coastline is definitely”. an unusual amount of water”

Tuesday, December 03, 2019

12-03-2019 December 2019 Prediction Made 7-9-2015

In the summer of 2015 I had a dream some significant legal or financial event will happen in December 2019. Well here we are...What will it be- legal impeachment, financial trade wars or stock market melt down. These appear to be in the cards for this month’s predictive draw. They are all unprecedented events starting to form in December, 2019. Any of these events could have significant worldwide effects- legally and/or financially.


7-9-2015 December 2019 is significant

I don't remember the full details of the dream I had before I woke up on 7-9-2015.

I do remember something of financial and legal significance happens on December 2019.

That was the specific date my dream this morning spelled out for a significant event - December 2019.

Never had a dream with both the month and year spelled out for me.

Odd occurrence, so I am thinking it is a prediction of a future "financial" event I will experience sometime in December of 2019!

Monday, December 02, 2019

12-02-2019 Life Requires Magnetism

I keep thinking about the 11-30-2019 dream “Dream of Explosive, Magnetic Triggers”. One thought is my subconscious mind is telling me at the most fundamental level of existence, in the universe, life requires magnetism. Without magnetic interactions life, as we know it, would simply cease to exist. That is why we have iron racing through our veins. It is magnetic. I am starting to think magnetic interactions are replaced by “intelligent color” interactions in the afterlife. Color never goes away. If you look at a beautiful, colored gemstone it doesn’t need the movement in space and time magnetism provides to be colorful.

Weird idea. I believe it is the next step in understanding our life in this universe and in our afterlife. We need to concentrate on understanding the difference between complex “intelligent color” and complex magnetic interactions. It may require energy to observe color but color still exists whether you observe it or not. The act of observing color is a consequence of observation in this universe and not a property of color.

It is a logical conclusion. The properties of color match closely with the properties of emotions. The clearest example of the similarity is the octopus ability to change color based on it's emotions AND the static, colorful environment around it. Color = Emotion. Emotions are eternal. Color is eternal.

I am hoping to expand your mind into thinking of ways color may be more than a side effect of a photon outburst. What other properties and behavior does color have that makes it timeless and unique?

Example of the "Intelligent Color" of an octopus:

My Model of the Universe and Beyond

09-19-2016 Could Our Universe Be on The Surface of a Planet Made of Dark Matter?

Could our Universe be on the surface of a planet made of dark matter? Could black holes simply be tornadoes on the surface of this dark mat...