Thursday, January 10, 2019

Update 01-10-2019: 12-22-2018 Competition To Keep Doctors Where They Are

Update 01-10-2019: My wife was just informed her primary doctor is quitting her business in the area and moving on to another opportunity. She is now finding out a replacement for her primary doctor quitting is very difficult to find!

Original blog...

12-22-2018 Competition To Keep Doctors Where They Are
I had a dream the morning of 12-22-2018. I was getting a checkup at a doctor's office. While walking to my assigned waiting room, I noticed in one doctor's office there was a tall man playing the violin or some other musical instrument for the doctor in the office. I thought that was weird. During my appointment I told my doctor of something bothering me and they promptly tried to "upsell" another specialist in the office I should go see. I got the idea this other doctor needed more patients, wasn't busy enough and was getting bored. I thought I saw a glimpse of the doctor they suggested. He was really old.
After the appointment, I was walking past the receptionist and noticed my pants were full of dog hair. I guessed this clinic was letting doctor's bring their pets to work to try and encourage them not to jump ship to another clinic. A perk to encourage the doctors to stay at a place where they could bring their pets into work or even have a musician play them a little tune- live in their office.
dream was trying to tell me there is going to be a severe shortage of doctors to see patients in clinics in the future.

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