Monday, January 21, 2019

01-21-2019 Roll, Pitch and Yaw- Effects of Deep Space Travel

I had a dream about three or four days ago after watching a recent episode of Ancient Aliens. The Ancient Alien episode was all about how we could have first developed on Mars and migrated to earth after a cataclysmic event occurred on Mars making the planet uninhabitable to humans. There was one scene in this Ancient Alien episode that admitted the long, skinny physical appearance of aliens with very large eyes may not be too far from reality after a human spends extended periods of time in space. Just from living on the space station for extended periods of time researchers have observed the human body muscle and bone tissue deteriorates at an alarming rate. The Ancient Alien episode showed astronauts in the International Space Station harnessed to a tread mill- exercising so they could fight the loss of bone density and muscle mass. The episode mentioned maybe they could genetically modify humans to better withstand the deterioration of muscle and bone mass during long periods of space travel.

The night after I watched the Ancient Alien episode, I had a dream showing an image of the lower extremities of humans (legs, hips) on a computer screen. There were rectangles drawn around the thighs, knees and shins of human legs on the screen. The rectangles were arranged so the longest sides of the drawn rectangles were horizontal to the length of the legs. At first, I didn't understand what this meant but now I think my subconscious mind was giving a little more detail on what we should really be concentrating on strengthening on the human body for travel in deep space.

My conclusion four days later is my dream was trying to tell me we should be concentrating more on strengthening legs to withstand more forces on legs on the horizontal access not the vertical access of the leg- perhaps to withstand the forces of strong winds while walking on alien planets. Apparently my dream is telling me we aren't doing enough to strengthen the legs against forces of "pitch" (Reference: for deep space journeys.

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