Thursday, January 17, 2019

01-17-2019 Opinion On The Current US Government Shutdown

I had a dream in the early morning of 01-17-2019. There was a disastrous policy change implemented by a religious nation. The people of the nation reorganized in line with the new policy and then started to realize they were vulnerable to being attacked by other religious nations.

I believe this dream was a way for my subconscious mind to sort through the sordid facts of the current President of the United States actions to partially shutdown the US government.

Based on my dream, my conscious, logical mind has come to the following conclusion.

In my opinion, it is clear to me now the President of the United States is breaking laws that have already passed. Consequently his current action to partially close down the government is an act of tyranny. Each state in the nation should have the right to act individually against Presidential tyranny if they don't already. In the end, his actions could end in a civil war between states. Each state in the nation should have the option to eventually withdraw from a nation that blatantly violates existing state policies and laws.

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