Wednesday, January 23, 2019

01-23-2019 A Major Revelation of E=MC2 For The Future

I was a little disappointed I had not had some dream around 12-24-2018 that revealed the next important area of concentration for humans to work on in the next few years. I felt I was due for a dream revealing a new view of life on this planet, in this universe and beyond this universe.

Then I started to think about the dream I had on 01-14-2019 A Key To Life And Beyond, I felt I had not thought hard enough about the dreams images and subtle meanings they could be hinting at. In the mean time, I watched the first episode of "How the Universe Works" for this season. It was about quasars and the importance iron plays in creating quasars, supernovas and heavier elements in the universe. Apparently the colors revealed in the blast of a supernova tells a lot about the composition of heavy metals being created in a particular supernova. I realized the image of a supernova from the second episode of "How the Universe Works" I watched looked just like the "single bluish-green eye" that "...morphs into a completely black eye." in my  "01-14-2019 A Key To Life And Beyond" dream- except it is a different color.

Update 01-17-2019: I watched the second episode of "How the Universe Works" late last night (01-16-2018).

All these facts morphed into a revelation on where I think we should put some more effort understanding in the next ten years or so to advance our understanding of the universe and beyond.

I have been wondering why I keep having dreams about the importance of color in the afterlife. I have had several dreams I blogged about how important color is to the interpretation of life in this universe and in our afterlife. I typed in the search phrase "color is important" to find matches in blog articles I have recently written about color and realized I wrote several articles about how important color is in the last quarter of 2018!

Conclusion/Revelation: E=MC2 is too simplistic of a model  for understanding how energy exists in this universe and beyond this universe- even into our afterlife.

To further our understanding of this universe and beyond we have to break down the interplay of mass and light. MC2 can be broken down into a rainbow of different interactions depending on mass and color. For example, based on dreams I have had, I am pretty sure the color red and the mass of iron is a relationship that, when studied in more detail, will allow glimpses into parallel world(s) where everything is dark. It has already been shown infrared light reveals different views into the universe. The Hubble telescope, in the future, will use infrared light to see views of the far universe not visible by the ordinary spectrum of light.

We need to further breakdown the spectrum of colors available in the "C2" part of the equation "E=MC2" and relate the interaction of specific colors to different densities (M) of elements of matter in the universe. The behavior and properties of each interaction between different colors of light and different densities of matter will reveal a whole knew world of knowledge to us.

We could apply this new world of knowledge to define specific behaviors of human beings and other life in this universe, specific behaviors and properties of earth and other planets in this universe and specific behaviors and properties of elements in parallel worlds and in our afterlife!

Here is the logic my conscious mind used from details in previous dreams I have had to determine the next big step to understanding life in this universe and beyond is color:

  • Color is really important in the afterlife.
  • Color is really important in viewing life in this universe and beyond this universe.
  • E=MC2 but if mass (M) is negligible (interstellar space, our afterlife) or infinite (inside a black hole) then E=C2.
  • C2 is light squared.
  • Light (C) can be broken down into many individual colors using a prism.  
  • If E=C2 and C can be broken down into several different colors then Energy can be broken down into several different "colors" of energy.
  • We can use the different "colors" of energy to view ourselves, our universe, parallel worlds and our afterlife in different ways.
  • If E=C2 when mass is negligible or infinite then Energy is equal to very intense (C2) colors of light.
Questions I have:

Are there other forms of energy besides light energy? Perhaps we need to broaden the definition of energy (E=MC2).
If you can create various types of energy to view different masses in our universe and beyond in new ways then:

  • C2 is intense light made up of different colors. Lasers are intense light that can be made of of different colors. Could you create a TV projector using intense lasers of different colors to project views of objects not only in three dimensions but four, five or more dimensions?
  • What would happen if you created a mirror with a iron backing (instead of silver) and used an intense, multi-colored laser projector to project images of different objects onto the iron backed mirror? Would you see images of objects in dimensions beyond what we can see in a regular mirror? 
  • Could an intense multi-colored, laser projector be bounced off layers of iron at different angles to reveal new views of reality in our universe and in parallel universes?
Intense color (C2) is important!

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