Sunday, July 22, 2018

07-22-2018 What If Our DNA Strands Are Similar to Layers Marking Past Eras In The Grand Canyon?

I mentioned I am starting to formulate ideas on how our cells function at a quantum physics level of existence where time and space are negligible. The subconscious mind is functioning at a quantum physics level of existence where time and space are negligible. The conscious mind functions in our normal, more easily understood world of time and space.

If there is one conclusion I have come to our existence on earth and in this universe it is a very complex journey through time, space and beyond and is affected by several different forms of energy. Some forms of energy and forces exist we are not fully aware of yet.

The following are just a logical set of ideas I am formulating regarding the path our subconscious minds take across the layers of time and space during our existence on earth and in this universe. The knowledge gained from documenting my dreams in this blog for thirteen plus years has certainly opened up my eyes to new planes of existence that cut across the known planes of existence in space and time.

(Reference: Top Three planes exist in cartesian coordinate system which are X-Y plane, Y-Z plane and X-Z plane. To draw a graph of a plane, first of all trace all those planes which intersect each Coordinate Plane. If we are tracing X-Y plane, then Set Z to zero.)

1) We are a water based species.
Water : Human body's major component. On average, the body of an adult human being contains 60% water. Most of the water in the human body is contained inside our cells. In fact, our billions of cells must have water to live.

2) Like a river, I believe our "life force" or soul flows in the present planes of existence and then eventually empties out into a sea of souls after life. The journey through life to death and beyond is quite complicated and affected by several forces and forms of energy along the way.
All souls living and dead will be judged by Jesus Christ when he comes back to earth. The Catholic Church teaches that the existence of each individual soul is dependent wholly upon God: "The doctrine of the faith affirms that the spiritual and immortal soul is created immediately by God."

3) Within cells there is DNA. There are two cellular membranes that interact with each other within each cell to reproduce DNA. Most of the DNA in a cell is within the nucleus cellular membrane. The mitochondria membrane has some DNA in it and provides the power to reproduce DNA in the nucleus cellular membrane.

4) DNA looks like layers of material between two lazy rivers. The Grand Canyon looks like a lazy river with layers of exposed earth from the earth's past geological eras above the river.

  • Reference:What is DNA? - Genetics Home Reference - NI

DNA is a double helix formed by base pairs attached to a sugar-phosphate backbone

5) I propose the deposited layers of material between the double helix, sugar phosphate backbone is similar to the layers of material exposed by the river at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. The material between the double helix in DNA represents an individual's recorded journey through time and space, at several planes of existence in the past, just like the exposed layers of earth represent the recorded journey of a river through time at several different planes or eras of existence in earth's past. DNA is a record of the past. The DNA of your father and mother becomes mixed into a combined DNA structure with portions from your mother and father.
6) The amazing difference between the river at the bottom of the Grand Canyon and the DNA in our bodies is the fact the river flowing through the Grand Canyon can only function in it's present, limited plane of liquid water existence. This single level of existence is similar to our conscious level of existence in our water based, three-dimensional bodies. The DNA in our body is far more complex than the current river running through the Grand Canyon. The DNA in our body has the ability to replicate itself, split in half and join another portion of their DNA from your partner to create a new, unique double helix DNA structure in  offspring. The material between the DNA in our bodies directly affect the current functions of our body as well as affecting the future behavior of our offspring. The common thread between the layers of DNA in each of our DNA strands and the Grand Canyon's exposed layers of earth is the fact both sets of layered material in DNA and the Grand Canyon are a record of past iterations of existence on earth.

7) So the begging question in my mind is how can the DNA in our bodies record the past lives of our parents, their parents and on and on as well as provide a path of replicated records of our previous blood relatives for future generations of our offspring to use? Update 07-22-2019: Answer: Because past and future are one in the same in the quantum environment, where DNA is created. At a quantum physics level there is no past, present or future there is just "state" of existence(i.e. in motion/not in motion, positive/negative,...). My dreams in this blog are mostly forward thinking- predicting future events I experience. Past experiences in my dreams from a different era my eternal soul may have experienced are rare and seem to revolve around a single period in time- the US Civil War. This is very strange to me since my parents were both from Canada. My Canadian family has never had anything to do with the Civil War as far as I know.

8) The river in a Grand Canyon has no way of accessing the past layers of earth it cut though. The cells in our bodies can access and utilize past layers of DNA material to create and repair our current bodies! It is as if we are missing a dimension of existence available to DNA, at an inner cellular level, we cannot access in the conscious outer state of our existence on earth to allow glimpses mainly into our future. The past is still difficult to access even for the unconscious mind. I suspect our physical bodies are limited, like the river in the Grand Canyon, by gravity, the limits of a three dimensional structure on earth and the limited physical abilities water has in a liquid state of travel from point A to point B along a horizontal plane of current existence. We have limited abilities to forge forward along our river of life's path and get glimpses of our future path down our river of life. Even at a subconscious level, I have found going backward through time to different lives I may have lived is difficult. It is more common in my dreams to experience glimpses of a life in parallel universes.

9) What if we could soar to different levels of horizontal planes of existence we lived in before or after our current plane of existence like I have in my dreams? We cannot use water based energy or our current physical bodies to travel to the past or to the future. We have to use some other type of inner, cellular energy to get to a level of existence in our past or in our future.

I wonder if the nucleus cellular membrane has something to do with allowing the subconscious mind to project itself into a another dimension where space and time are negligible. Maybe the each cell's nucleus cellular membrane creates a separate sub-universe for cells to work in at a quantum physics level of existence.

If you really want to test the limits of your conscious brain in trying to understand the quantum world read this! A tale of two qubits: how quantum computers work

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