Friday, July 13, 2018

07-13-2018 Definite Parallels in the National Geographic Magazine's "Science of Sleep" Article (08-2018 Edition) and My Dream Blog Entries

I was excited to get the latest edition (08-2018) of the  National Geographic magazine and read their latest front cover article on "The Science of Sleep". "The Science of Sleep" article splits the daily sleep cycle into four stages and details the latest scientific findings regarding the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) behavior within the sleep cycle. Without a doubt, my dreams I have written in this "Religion of One" blog support the sleep cycle model and REM behaviors outlined in the National Geographic sleep article. It just goes to show you raw observation is powerful evidence for furthering science research and the ever-increasing scientific body of knowledge.

I could easily apply the concepts on REM behavior and sleep patterns outlined in "The Science of Sleep" article to specific dreams I have blogged about. I am writing this article in the early morning of 08-13-2018 because, as "The Science of Sleep" article states, I was waking up after experiencing REM behavior and my mind had finished consolidating memories I thought I should document.

For example, here are a few quotes from the National Geographic "The Science of Sleep" article supporting individual dreams I have blogged about...


"Dreaming, some sleep scientist say, is a psychotic state-we fully believe that we see what is not there, and we accept that time, location, and people can morph and disappear."

"Perhaps the most remarkable thing about REM sleep is that it proves the brain can operate independently of sensory input. Like an artist ensconced in a secret studio, our mind appears to experiment without inhibition., let loose on its own personal mission."

"...when we're sleeping, and we commence our first REM session, the most elaborate and complex instrument known in the universe is free to do what it wishes. It self-activates. It dreams. This, one could say, is the playtime of he brain. Some sleep theorists postulate that REM sleep is when we are our most intelligent, insightful, creative, and free. It's when we truly come alive. "REM sleep may be the thing that makes us the most human, both for what it does for the brain and the body, and for the sheer experience of it," says Michael Perlis."


It would be fun to pull specific blogs regarding my dreams that support the bizarre range of sleep behaviors outlined in "The Science of Sleep" article. This is how solid observation can provide further support for the latest known scientific concepts on sleep behavior. Maybe I will outline samples from my dream blog in the next release of "My Subconscious Mind" book.

I further postulate dreaming is not psychotic behavior and emotions are not severely impaired as stated in the definition of psychosis below. In fact, I have come to the conclusion emotions are eternal and transcend time and space. I postulate dreams are our brain cells  functioning at a quantum level of physics because that is what cells do. Human brain cells can transcend time and space to define and extract the resources they need to survive and repair themselves. The fact we humans are able to observe the quantum level of brain cell function through dreams opens up an whole new level of understanding of ourselves and even how the universe works.

a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality.


Other significant matches my mind notes in writing this blog are the fact it is being written on the 13th of the month. Many previous blogs I have written note the significance of the number 13 and dreams I have around the 12th of the month. Also, in previous blogs, I have noted some of my dreams consistently match key concepts in National Geographic articles not yet published when my dream occurs. It is as if I have this psychic connection to National Geographic magazine articles...especially the August edition!

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