Tuesday, July 24, 2018

07-24-2018 A Warning From A Butterfly?

I watched a show called "Ghostly Encounters" on TV last night. There was a scene where a lady was talking about hearing a repetition of ten taps on a wall over and over again. Her deceased father had been in the military and had used Morse code to send messages in the war. He had shown his daughter how he produced Morse code on a device he had kept from the war. So when the lady heard the repeating sequence of ten taps on a wall she figured it must be a warning message from her deceased father. Ten months later she was summoned by her brother. Her mom had a heart attack. She hurried to be by her bedside because she felt the ten taps on the wall from her deceased father was the sign to make sure she get to her mother's bedside in another town ten months later.

Starting out on a bike ride today I was reading a sign about the bike trail I was about to ride on being under construction until December 2019. The sign read 12 '19. A butterfly came by when I was reading the sign and repeatedly fluttered up and touched the 12 '19 date on the sign.

I am thinking this is some sort of warning from beyond just like the lady on the TV show felt.

Then I remember I had a dream stating December 2019 was significant way back on 07-09-2015! (Reference: https://relofone.blogspot.com/2015/07/7-9-2015-december-2019-is-significant.html)

I don't remember the full details of the dream I had before I woke up on 7-9-2015.

I do remember something of financial and legal significance happens on December 2019.

That was the specific date my dream this morning spelled out for a significant event - December 2019.

Never had a dream with both the month and year spelled out for me.

Odd occurrence, so I am thinking it is a prediction of a future "financial" event I will experience sometime in December of 2019!

This little butterfly seems to be confirming my previous dream by repeatedly touching the 12 '19 date on the sign I was reading on the 24th of July- my most predictive dream day of the month. It was as if  the butterfly was reminding me, "Don't forget 12/2019 is significant in the future!"

Right now it seems a little silly to me but I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Update 07-25-2018: I am writing an update at 4:30 AM on 7-25-2018 to this blog because, while I was sleeping, my subconscious mind threw out a "numbers" match to the Mega Million winning lottery numbers for last night based on all that was going on in my mind at the time I was reading the trail sign and the butterfly was repeatedly touching the date 12 '19 on the sign. Here are the pattern matches my subconscious mind came up with before I woke up on 07-25-2018. I didn't take the butterfly encounter too much to heart because to me trying to understand the cryptic meaning of a butterfly repeatedly touching the date of 12/2019 on a trail sign is like trying to read tea leaves. I suppose I could try and train myself to understand all the matching patterns when I notice strange number matches to dreams I might become rich but I am most likely to go insane trying to understand the real meaning of what the future holds based on the numbers I note as significant during chance encounters with a butterfly. Anyway here is what my subconscious mind came up with while I was sleeping last night.

1) During my sleep last night, my subconscious mind  compiled all the facts from yesterday's chance encounter with a butterfly on a bike trail sign, the other things I was subconsciously thinking about at the time I was reading the bike trail sign and the fact the butterfly was repeatedly touching a the date of 12 '19 on this bike trail sign I was reading
  • Yesterday, I subconsciously was thinking the butterfly was my deceased mother trying to tell me something. She was born in 1922. She had a real gambling issue and lost a ton of money gambling before she died. Very disturbing for me.
  • I was also thinking, wouldn't it be great to win the Tuesday 07-24 Mega Millions jackpot worth 522 Million dollars! In fact, last night, before I went to sleep, I looked to see if anyone won the Mega Million jackpot. Someone did! The winning numbers were: 
  • My subconscious mind iterated the relevant numbers from my chance encounter with the relevant numbers from yesterday's butterfly encounter and came up with a pattern match with the Mega Million jackpot winning numbers! I don't think I would have ever been able to figure out the exact sequence needed to win the 522 million dollars but my subconscious mind is stating there is a pattern match...
    • Relevant numbers mentioned in this blog when explaining my butterfly encounter yesterday are:
      • 12, 07-24, 12-2019, 1922
      • The $522 million dollar jackpot numbers were 1,2,4,19,29,20
      • So my pattern matching, subconscious mind went to work and found the matching pattern to the numbers from yesterdays butterfly encounter and the winning lotto numbers.
        • 12 and 1,2 are a match
        • 24and 2,4 are a match
        • '19 and 19 are a match
        • 07 + 22, 29 are a match
        • 20 and 20 are a match
I decided long ago not to try and pursue matching relevant numbers from my predictive dreams to real life events because I would probably go insane. The fact my subconscious mind still pursues this pattern matching behavior is proof my subconscious mind is a little vicious in temperament as I have mentioned in other blogs. :-)

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