Thursday, July 05, 2018

07-05-2018 Another Dream of Working For A Company In A Different World

I had another odd dream in the early morning of 07-05-2018. It was a scene where I was working as a contractor for a company and was apparently hired to analyze the health of the company's employees. I determined the engineers were being mislead into thinking they had a stable job and would never be laid off. In reality, the engineers were all hired for a single, temporary project and would eventually be laid off.

This dream doesn't seem like it would it is "other worldly". I did work with companies for many years and analyzed their business systems for automation possibilities.

What I have noticed in these "other worldly" dreams is the fact I am carrying on conversations with these people until the very second I wake up. When I explain I am just dreaming in another world to them they get mad at me.

It is as if they believe I am perfectly real and of sane mind and body until something changes their mind about me.

In some dreams, the other people in the dream figure out I am "other worldly" from odd things I say that don't fit in their world. Sometimes they figure out I am a ghostly apparition and get extremely mad- then they tell me to get lost. Sometimes the people in my "other worldly" dreams become curious and try to look at me up close to see if am formed of solid matter. Usually the people who become curious already have a plan in place to deal with such anomalies and execute the plan to get rid of me.

You have to admit these repeating dreams are very strange!

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