Saturday, November 05, 2016

11-15-2016 Food for Thought: My Response to Facebook Friends Who Stated They Had Experiences Making Them Lose Faith In God

I recently responded with the following post after reading some Facebook friends telling everyone they stopped believing in God after witnessing a horrible event in their life like senseless death or  witnessing a horrible epileptic fit.

Food for thought...

"It may be what you see is what you get. When I have seen people die it didn't seem to me they died and were gone. It was more like they passed on to somewhere beyond space and time where they are not burdened by our physical world anymore. We seem to be burdened to live in an often brutal world and witness brutal, physical events, daily, beyond any one entity's control including God at a particular space and time in this world."

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My Model of the Universe and Beyond

09-19-2016 Could Our Universe Be on The Surface of a Planet Made of Dark Matter?

Could our Universe be on the surface of a planet made of dark matter? Could black holes simply be tornadoes on the surface of this dark mat...