Sunday, November 27, 2016

11-27-2016 Dream of My Car Stolen and MY PC Crashing

I had an upsetting dream in the early morning of 11-27-2016. My car  was stolen and my personal computer crashed- losing all the data and pictures on it . I had strong  feelings of vulnerability because I realized I couldn't even remember what my license plate number was and I wasn't sure if my computer files were backed up.
I also remember something about 13000 in a dream early this morning. I cannot remember the dream about the number 13000- just 13000.
These dreams are on the tail end of my predictive dream period around the twenty-fourth of each month so I am not sure they are predictive dreams.

My general feeling of vulnerability in these dreams may indicate a future event I experience, like a local earthquake, will leave me feeling highly vulnerable.

I also have to say predictive dreams around this time of year can predict the general feelings of the world's population in the coming year- a year of feeling highly vulnerable cannot be a good thing.

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