We know a bit about black holes, a bit about how neurons
work in the brain, a bit about where in the brain déjà vu occurs. We know raw nerve endings of neurons are the window to the outside world. We call these raw nerve endings the retinas in our eyes.
For over twelve years I have documented dreams predicting future events in my life. I have observed strong emotions spawning these predictive dreams.
This begs the question, "What are emotions? What creates an emotion?"
Often emotions are created as a response to some outside stimuli- like the picture of a baby laughing.
What if emotions spawning predictive dreams are a response to stimuli outside the realm of our three-dimensional world- from a fourth dimension?
There has to be a direct link at the cellular level of existence with a fourth dimension which has little regard for space and time.
We know black holes compress the living daylights out of objects in our universe. We hypothesize there is a point of singularity where space and time become one inside a black hole.
What if each cell or, for that matter, each atom in the universe has a black hole linking this "timeless and space-less" dimension to our own three-dimensional world?What if subconscious neurons can tune into this new dimension and react emotionally to stimuli occurring in a "timeless and space-less" fourth dimension?
A link at the atomic level to a fourth dimension where time and space are no longer a limitation solves the perplexing question, "How on earth can people link to another paranormal dimension where we now believe they would normally be shredded into non-existence?"
From the above logic, I conclude emotions have little regard for space and time.
In some cases, emotions spawned from a fourth dimension, without regard to space and time, define déjà vu.
Logically, if a black hole is in every atom in our universe it makes sense a black hole in the center of a galaxy is the sum of all atomic black holes caught in the extreme gravity of the galaxy's dense center- creating a huge black hole.
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