Wednesday, November 25, 2020

11-24-2020 Summary Of First 11-01-2020 Taped QHHT Session

I reviewed the first out of four recorded audio sessions from my QHHT session on 11-01-2020.

After being placed in a cozy bed and smothered in warm blankets and a comfy pillow I relaxed, closed my eyes and listened to my QHHT therapist's slow, monotone voice bring me into a state of relaxation beyond what I usually get to in a conscious state.

The QHHT therapist then told me to allow myself to float out of my body on a cloud to a place I had lived in a previous life on earth. My initial visions were of steepled, medieval? buildings, a courtyard with soldiers guarding large, metal clad doors and a small child in pauper clothing and a page haircut looking up in awe at the armor clad soldiers who were standing in the courtyard. All the metal armor the soldiers were wearing and all the metal clad doors I saw were embossed with ornate designs- almost like a complex embroidery. The helmets on the heads of the soldiers had about an eight-inch dull, pewter-colored spike jutting out from the top of the helmet. I also went into a room where all the highly ornate metal turned red and gold with red velvet decor and a shrine or throne of some sort.

Then my "soul" drifted away from the scene. I passed a pristine, white, Mormon tabernacle type building with a big arched entryway and beautiful grounds.

I am floating above dark trees, following a very large, white bird "spirit" towards a strong white light within some fog. I was relaxed and just following the bird taking towards a soothing, bright white clouds. I saw a very tall white figure holding a golden staff. I do not know if I am supposed to go any farther. Then the light turned blue light shone on me from somewhere above. I saw a motherly, deeply religious "Mary" figure cuddling a swaddled baby. My therapist asked me to look into her eyes and she could communicate with me. I felt I didn't really have her attention. "It was very nice…Very serene…Very cute. I don't know why I would see that." 


Swaddling is an age-old practice of wrapping infants in blankets or similar cloths so that movement of the limbs is tightly restricted. Swaddling bands were often used to further restrict the infant. Swaddling fell out of favor in the 17th century.

I noticed a very bright, white light in the distance and decided to float past her to see what is there. "So much energy but I don't know what it does."

It took some effort to get to the white light. I started noticing a bunch of pyramid-shaped, blue-colored crystals below me on a bed of white clouds. "Very strong, white light coming from the crystals. All, very strange stuff.".

Because she was recording my comments, she asked me to describe the blue crystals and the surroundings so I could listen to my audio recording later. I pointed out they were just simple, triangle shapes. The color of the crystals was blue but more towards the turquoise blue side of the spectrum. 

"In the center of one crystal was a great white light...way up in the air- like a beacon. I don't know where I'm at."

I laughed. The QHHT therapist asked me, "Why did you laugh?"

I said, "Because I probably shouldn't be here!" I laughed again in almost a defiant way. Like I have said before, my soul in dreams I have, seems to be a bit of a rebel and goes places that are usually off limits to other souls.

I further explained the blue, pyramid shaped crystals were huge, and the white light was very powerful..."But is is just energy going out into the cosmos and it's kind of cool. I think its pretty powerful."

My QHHT therapist asks me, "How does it affect you as you observe it?"

I said, "I am just confused. I don't know what it is."

The QHHT therapist said, "You don't need to understand it. You just need to explain it."

I said, "It is just very powerful and it jets out. I am going to try and jump and see what happens!"

QHHT th. "What happens when you do that?"

Me: "I don't know. I don't know. I'm just going. Like...I think I went someplace else."

I ended up floating above fields of green..."Rows of lush green. Rows of something growing. I don't know what it is.". 

Then I was distracted physically. I told the therapist my feet were getting cold. There was an open window in the session room and there were kids play outside. I found it very distracting. She covered my feet and closed the window in the session room. With her help I was able to drift back into the superconscious state and observe some more images in strange places.

I moved on as the QHHT therapist guided me back into a relaxed state. She asked me to go to a place my spirit guide wanted me to see in the visions I was having. I quickly entered into a scene where I was standing at a podium with a long "graduation" robe. I was in a stadium facing thousands of what I first interpreted as lost souls. I was asked by the QHHT therapist to tell her what I was saying to the "graduation" audience. All I said was, " I love you all!"

I was trying to interpret to the QHHT therapist what I was seeing and tried to interpret why I was there. I said. "These lost souls are just waiting and looking for direction from me. She asked me what I was saying to the lost souls. I told the QHHT therapist I was simply having them come to me on stage and I would hug them. An extraordinarily strong beam of white light shone on my back the whole time I was on the podium. I was able to transfer a portion of this white light to each of the souls I hugged.

These “souls” were about six or seven feet tall. They looked like a piece of an old, shriveled up, dark brown tree trunk.

At first, I was sure these souls were the worst of the worst bunch and this was their last-ditch effort to be saved from all their warped and evil ways. The more I interacted with these “lost” souls the more confused I became. You would think the worst of the worst bunch of lost souls would emanate with guilt, pain and even hate. All I felt coming from them was total silence and an amazing amount of patience for such a large audience. These souls did not speak. They just waited patiently to be directed or graduated to a higher plane of existence.

Later, as I left the QHHT therapist’s house she told me she often hugs this huge, probably hundred-year-old tree next to her entryway. Her whole lot where she lives is covered in large evergreen trees. She proceeded to go hug the tree. I followed suit and hugged the tree as well. I wrapped my arms around the tree and gave it a couple of knocks using my knuckles. I noticed a uniquely pitch sound of hard wood as I gave the tree a couple of raps.

I said, “I wonder if each tree has its own unique sound.”

I told her I had read an article in a science magazine showing large old trees often reduced the amount of water they sucked up from the ground if a baby tree was within their massive root system. The article said this selfless act of the large, old trees to nurture their baby trees nearby was a sign of a complex, sentient entity…Trees displayed feelings towards the baby tree!

My QHHT therapist then gave me a sweet hug with our Covid-19 masks securely attached to our faces and I was sent on my merry way.

Side Note: As I concluded writing this blog I realized the image of "Mary" nurturing the baby in her arms I saw in this portion of the QHHT session explanation exactly matches the nurturing of baby trees by older trees around it.

The concept of "nurturing" is an important concept to takeaway and mull over from this QHHT session.

Email sent 11-05-2020 to my QHHT Therapist:

I think I figured out a better explanation of the vision I had in your session where I was dressed in a "graduation robe" passing on the white light I was channeling into six or seven foot shriveled up brown things. What puzzled me about my vision is I felt no emotions coming from the thousands of shriveled, brown entities I saw in the stadium. They were just waiting. You would think that if they were extremely tormented souls trying to find their way they would be filled with all sorts of guilt and negativity. 

After mulling it over and remembering the first thing you did when we walked out of your house was the fact you had a great desire to show me how you like to hug a tree at the end of a session- and then you hugged me! I finally connected this real-life event to my shriveled, brown souls vision. Connecting real events to visions and dreams is what I have been trying to perfect and understand for the past fifteen years.

 Most likely vision was when I was "graduating" tree souls to another level of consciousness by hugging each one and transferring each tree soul in the stadium the white light to elevate their souls to the next level! It just makes sense the souls of a mature tree would still be very tall!

 Maybe my hugs are a transfer of positive energy to souls ready to graduate to the next level. Tell me if you feel more enlightened now. 

 I like this new path of enlightenment I'm on. Pretty Cool!”



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