Sunday, November 22, 2020

11-22-2020 My Predictive Dream On 12-20-2019 Regarding Trump's Nazi Behavior

On 11-21-2020, I tweeted the following excerpt I blogged about on 12-20-2019 from a predictive dream I had eleven months ago! The exerpt is close to the bottom of the long winded blog I wrote on 12-20-2019. I believe I actually rediscovered the Orange fiery “Trump” dream on 11-20-2020 and wrote the blog the next day.  Being probability minded, the rediscovery of the dream “around” the twentieth of the month is still okay with me.

I would say this is clear evidence Deja Vu can be more than just a random feeling you have once in awhile.

If you methodically document the strange dreams you have day after day, year after year, you start to recognize patterns- like real life events with key words, phrases and ideas matching a dream you had previously on the same day of the month as the real life event you experience months later!

Religion of One: 12-20-2019 Aliens, Nazis And Orange Balls Of Light (

...I have the interpretation of the future event wrong my subconscious mind is trying to warn me about with the key words ‘Nazi’ like decision making, alien(s), fiery orange-red ball(s)...Hope this isn’t a warning about Trump’s behavior in the next year!

I had another Trump dream I blogged about on 06-20-2020. Around the 20th of the month seems to be all about Trump lately- actually since 2016! I wonder what day Trump was born on...June 14th, 1946. But wait there is more! President-Elect Biden was born on 11-20-1942. OMG! The twitter date of above blog is one day after 11-20- 2020.

Update: I forgot to mention , Trump’s birthday is 6-14-1946. 6+14=20. Each number of the year he was born (1+9+4+6) also is equal to 20.

Joe Biden
Nov 20, 1942

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