Thursday, November 05, 2020

11-05-2020 My First Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Session On 11-01-2020

 I only started my journey into the metaphysical realm after 09-27-2020 when a voice in my head told me to read "Journey Of Souls"(1) by Michael Newton (PhD).

After reading the "Journey Of Souls" book and watching a video of Delores Cannon's QHHT technique (2) I booked a session with a local QHHT therapist for 11-01-2020

I thought I would be meeting a lot of old relatives who have passed on but I was in for a more out of this world experience.

My visions during the session were guide by the QHHT therapist and I spent three to four hours floating across space and time to a couple of my previous lives and to a peaceful place my soul could rest in the afterlife.

I found out from the session I am a very advanced soul.

From previous, online relaxation technique sessions and the visions I had with my QHHT therapist I believe my soul originated from a magenta crystal. A little bizare, I know, but I have learned to research the meanings of visions without bias. 

This is who I am and what I am here for.

I searched for Magenta Crystal" on the internet and found this definition, 


Magenta is uplifting to our spirits during times of unhappiness, anger or frustration. In the meaning of colors, magenta represents universal love at its highest level. It promotes compassion, kindness and cooperation and encourages a sense of self respect and contentment in those who use it.



2) What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique? - Dolores Cannon
Dolores Cannon’s method of hypnosisQuantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ (QHHT®), involves inducing an individual into the Somnambulistic state of trance through visualization.

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