Saturday, January 11, 2020

01-11-2020 Update On Blog Of 12-03-2019 December 2019 Prediction Made 7-9-2015

I just found out they formally initiated impeachment proceedings against President Donald J. Trump on the most predictive day of each month for me- the 24th...Coincidence?

I don't think so.

"September 24, 2019, the House of Representatives initiated impeachment proceedings against President Donald J. Trump after a whistleblower complaint brought to light information from career public servants alleging improper behavior by the president and senior officials related to Ukraine..."

Reference: Original Blog...

12-03-2019 December 2019 Prediction Made 7-9-2015

In the summer of 2015 I had a dream some significant legal or financial event will happen in December 2019. Well here we are...What will it be- legal impeachment, financial trade wars or stock market melt down. These appear to be in the cards for this month’s predictive draw. They are all unprecedented events starting to form in December, 2019. Any of these events could have significant worldwide effects- legally and/or financially.
7-9-2015 December 2019 is significant
I don't remember the full details of the dream I had before I woke up on 7-9-2015.
I do remember something of financial and legal significance happens on December 2019.
That was the specific date my dream this morning spelled out for a significant event - December 2019.
Never had a dream with both the month and year spelled out for me.
Odd occurrence, so I am thinking it is a prediction of a future "financial" event I will experience sometime in December of 2019!

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My Model of the Universe and Beyond

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