Saturday, January 04, 2020

01-04-2020 “Heresod!”

I wake up. I look at the clock. I note the time. It is 11:57 PM on 01-03-2020.I remember a name from a dream I was having after I woke up- “Heresod”. I immediately look on the internet for the word “Heresod ” because I think I have heard the name before (deja vu). Can’t find any matches. I do find the name “King Herod I”. I also found an article suggesting  the Pope compared Trump to King Herod 1- the killer of the innocent.

My logical mind goes on steroids as I tick off the patterns noted from this dream and the patterns noted in dates of the dream.

1) The number 4 keeps popping up as I write this blog on the fourth day of January, 2020.

- Add/subtract the numbers in sets from the time I woke up b- 11:57 (1 + 1 + (7-5) = 4).
- Add 01-03-2020 numbers together 01, 03,  2, 0, 2, 0. (01 + 03 = 4, 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4).
- Herod died 04-04-04 BCE (lots of debate on the date of death).

2) Heresy is the belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine.

3) The Pope accused Trump of  heresy.

4) King Herod 1 was accused of heresy.

5) Pope Francis compared Trump to King Herod one day after the fourth day of the month on December 5th, 2019.


I am picking up a lot of emotional “background” noise in the “ether” surrounding Trumps recent actions against Iran.

My subconscious mind made up a new word combining Heresy and Herod...Heresod to describe Trump’s actions.


References: 6, 2019 ... On Thursday, Red Francis compared President Trump to King Herod, the ... KING HEROD WAS A KILLER, TRIED TO KILL BABY JESUS.

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