Saturday, January 11, 2020

01-11-2020 Another Dream Of Ghosts When Overtired

In the early morning of 01-09-2020 I went to bed at around 1:30 AM. I was overtired from chronic bronchitis and painting. As soon as I closed my eyes to try and fall asleep I experienced a vision. I saw a mass of multi-colored points of light in front of me and there were multiple, loud crackling sounds like discharges of static electricity make. The noise was very loud. The mass of points of light were mainly red and blue points of light. I opened my eyes and saw a wispy, black cloud hovering around the  bedroom light/ceiling fan combination. I wasn't afraid. My logical mind kept telling me there was no harm present.

After the very loud multi-colored points of light went away I entered a large room where a jam packed crowd of noisy party goers were celebrating. 

I felt like I had gone through some sort of static threshold of multicolored lights into a "new level of existence" where everybody was happy and having a good time! I told the crowd they were making entirely too much noise for me to get to sleep.

My logical mind suggested I go get a night time snack. I obviously was not going to get to sleep any time soon with all the static electricity noise and jam packed boisterous crowd visions I was having.

I went downstairs, had a night time snack and successfully went back to bed for a much needed rest.

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