Wednesday, November 27, 2019

11-27-2019 Dream Of A High Class Hotel With Low Class Standards

I had a strange dream in the early morning of 11-27-2019. This is still in my predictive, monthly zone around the 24th day of each month. I was walking down a hall of a large, upscale hotel with high ceilings. There were large black hornets buzzing past me. It was very alarming. Some people in the hallway were going into panic mode. I asked one on the hotel employees passing by and he said it was the remnants of a movie scene they filmed in the hotel on killer bees. The next scene in my dream was a little fuzzy. It appeared there was a play in a conference room of  the same hotel. I was peaking in through a door to the stage where the play was going on. The lady beside my seemed to be a part of the play but was sobbing for some reason. She told me they are portraying school teachers in this play as horrible as you can imagine and real people were being hurt by this play. Then I was walking back down the hall of the same hotel and saw a young boy about six picking up a device off the floor that looked like a grey, rubber phallic device. I was shocked the hotel had something like that laying around their public hallways and could easily guess what kind of convention was probably going on at this large, upscale hotel.

Conclusion: My guess is I had this dream because of a Facebook entry one of my nieces with a young daughter posted. She said her four year old daughter could only handle watching half of the new "Frozen 2" movie because it was a lot more violent than the first "Frozen" movie. This emotional post prompted my subconscious mind to create a subtle, detailed dream. The owner of the large, upscale hotel was more interested in making sure their hotel was making a good profit- regardless of any moral or emotional issues it would cause their hotel customers staying at the hotel.

My subconscious was telling me greed and corruption breeds more greed and corruption no matter what the exterior face of the "hotel" looks like or moral/emotional trauma it will cause.

I wonder what hotel owner my subtle, subconscious mind was referring to? :-)

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