Monday, November 04, 2019

11-04-2019 Visions Of Fire And Ice

I had two visions right after I woke up on 11-04-2019. I don't normally have visions when I am awake.

The first vision was really two snapshots. The first was of a half melted salmon egg roe. The weird thing was the small, round fish eggs in slushy ice were a metallic, light gray color. Salmon eggs are normally a reddish orange in color.

The second snapshot of the first vision looked like a silver scaled, coho salmon sticking halfway out of some slushy, melting ice. My logical mind noticed I couldn't really see any eyes on the half frozen salmon vision. I thought, "Maybe this is a tentacle of some unknown beast slowly being revealed from a melting glacier." The silver egg roe and unseen eyes of what I would have normally guessed was a half frozen salmon sticking out of some slushy ice threw me off. These visions could be a strange result of global warming where fish are getting stuck in ice after unusual warming periods in the northern part of the world. It could also be a peek at a new species found due to melting glaciers.

The second vision was a flash of orange light in the dead of night. It startled me. Then the vision revealed a swath of bright orange, liquid volcanic rock (magma).

My visions were of fire and ice! A strange combination not normally seen together.

I get the feeling these visions are of the effects of more frequent global warming events- melting glaciers around the world and having strange effects on fish in the region. I know Iceland, Greenland and Alaska could be especially vulnerable to the effects of fire and slushy ice due to global warming and melting glaciers.

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