Wednesday, November 13, 2019

11-12-2019 Monsters and Evil Things

I had a lot of visions of monsters and evil things creeping around in my dreams during the early morning of 11-12-2019. Since the dreams happened on the 12th day of the month I believe it may be a warning there will be a lot of violence around the world in 2020. I rarely dream of monsters and evil 👿 things.

Update 11-14-2019: I was not satisfied in my first analysis of what the above dream meant. It seemed to be a bit of an "Off the Cuff" guess. I applied some techniques I have learned on the words used to describe the dream I had on 11-12-2019. I know my subconscious mind, in a dream state, can come up with some pretty cryptic messages based on a dream.

This is what my my logical mind came up with:

1) "Monsters and Evil Things" is the title of this blog.
2) Taking the first letters of the first three words in the title of this blog's dream and merging it with the last word gives you the following "word"...MAEThings
3) "MAEThings" kind of sounds like Matings.
4) My subconscious mind might be trying to tell me, "In the future there will be "Matings of Monsters and Evil Things!".

Conclusion: The 11-12-2019 Monsters and Evil Things dream might be telling me somewhere in the world people are starting to work to artificially create shocking new species using cross breeding techniques like gene splicing. "Mating" scary, monstrous animals existing in the present (or existed in the past) to more evil species (i.e. snakes, poisonous fish, sharks, etc.) is not something I really want to see happen. I hope I am wrong.

A lot more specific than my first guess at what this dream meant and more scary!

Update 11-16-2019: Once I start thinking about finding various patterns in a blog sometimes my mind won't turn off. It likes to look for patterns in my dreams and blogs.

I just thought of another pattern based on the "MAEThings" above:

1) "MAEThings" sounds like "May Things"
2) The 'E' in the word "MAEThings" is odd.
3) 'E' is the fifth letter of the alphabet. 'May' is the fifth month of the year,
4) The confirmation of fifth letter matching the fifth month of the year confirms 'MAE' is 'MAY'.

Conclusion: "Monsters and Evil Things" will occur sometime, in May, in the future!

I can see one of my relatives asking me, "What kind of drugs are you on?"

The subconscious mind shows me subtle, cryptic messages in dreams I have. You could easily argue dreams are a form of a hallucination,

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