Wednesday, May 30, 2018

05-30-2018 Amazing Coincidence, Genius, or Psychic?

I started this blog with the idea to simply document memorable dreams and look for patterns occurring in multiple dream instances.

One repeatable dream pattern I have noted is the fact I keep having dreams on topics regarding the creation of the universe and beyond. These bizarre dreams are then freakishly validated by top cosmologists on shows I watch on TV after the dreams occur.

For Example:

My latest dream regarding the creation of multiple bubbles within a black hole opens up a whole new way to create multiple universes.

Then I realized the creation of multiple bubble universes in black holes opens up the idea these multiple bubble universes could be interacting with each other in complex ways. Multiple bubble universes could have complex behaviors and properties just like the various types of stars and galaxies in our own universe.

After I blogged about my bubble universe dream I watched a Science Channel show called "Hunt for the Edge of the Universe".

One of the cosmologists in the show believes it is highly possible our universe is a single bubble in an expanse of infinite bubble universes. These "bubble" universes could crash into each other and leave a noticeable mark in the microwave footprint of our universe. The idea here is there are several key word matches from my dream and this TV show like multiple "bubble" universes, complex interaction between the bubble universes. This scientist is searching for a microwave footprint of a universe that may have collided with our universe in the past.

I'm either a frickin' genius to be able to randomly come to the same conclusions theoretical cosmologists are coming to regarding multiple bubble universes or I have unexplained, amazing psychic abilities. My dreams are revealing to me startling conclusions on subjects I have limited knowledge on yet are validated by prominent experts in the field..

I suppose they could be copying my ideas presented in this blog after reading them. Then I would be a frickin’ genius! 🤓

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