Wednesday, May 23, 2018

05-23-2018 A Lot of Dreams In A Different World

The past couple of nights I have had some very clear and detailed dreams regarding me working in jobs I have never worked in before.

The details were clear in my dream at the time but I don't remember them very well now.

What I do remember is the moments in the dream when I would make statements I thought were perfectly in context with what I was doing and getting surprised responses from the people I was talking to like "Really!". They then squinted their eyes and looked at me up close- as if to try and see if I was real!

After making the statements and getting such puzzled responses from the people I was talking to, I felt I did not belong in the job or the world I was in when I was having the dream.

I have had several of these other worldly dreams where I didn't quite fit in and woke up in the middle of a perfectly normal conversation with someone who all of a sudden felt what I was saying was a bit off- they then became highly suspicious.

It is as if I looked perfectly real to them until I said something that didn't fit the world they live in. Then they became guarded, very suspicious and then came close to me to try to figure out who or what I really was- to try and figure out if I was "real" or not.

Strange dreams. I don't think they are predictive. Just other worldly. I believe it could be my subconscious presence in a parallel universe.

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