Sunday, May 06, 2018

05-06-2018 Fascinating! Earthquake Dream in Hawaii Matches a Dream I Documented On 05-04-2008.

I have had several earthquake dreams I have documented in this blog over the years.

I was curious to look back and see what earthquake dreams occurred or blogged about on the exact same day and month the new 6.9 Hawaiian earthquake and volcanic eruption occurred- which was May 4th, 2018.

My May 4th, 2008 blog entry definitely matches the key words "vertical chunks of broken pavement on the street" and the occurrence of the broken pavement in a local area residential neighborhood on the island of Hawaii. My hair is definitely a little grayer than it was ten years ago as shown in the 2008 image in my dream!

The actual images from my dream occurred ten years later to the day!

Lesson learned...All you have to do is look for events matching previous dreams you have blogged about to validate predictive dreams you have had to the day- even dreams you have had ten years ago. Often predictive dreams are defined by familiar images from your past but may represent someplace else in the world unfamiliar to you. I have never been to the "Big" Island of Hawaii.

05-06-2018 Internet Article:
Hawaii eruption destroys 5 homes as toxic gas and molten lava threaten residents

I found the following blog entry regarding a massive. The predictive dream entry was documented at on 01-06-2008.

05-04-2008 Comments on serious earthquake prediction around April 10, 2008 Yikes!

Relevant Portion of Original blog entry:

I wrote the following prediction at :

I had a vivid dream that there was a very serious earthquake in the Seattle, Washington area, with vertical chunks of broken pavement on a street I used to live by. My previous dream (prediction) happened about one year and ten months before it really occurred. That puts the serious earthquake to happen around April 10, 2008. Yikes! – Marcas Major


Well it didn't happen. That is ok, I'm glad it didn't! The problem is on April 14th, 2008 scientists came out with the probability within three standard deviations (which is only 0.3 % from total certainty!) that a major earthquake (over 6.0 on the richter scale) will hit California by 2037! (Big Quake "Guaranteed" to Hit California by 2037 ) So my prediction that a major earthquake will hit the Pacific Northwest sometime in my lifetime is probably not too far off either. We are all linked together on the west coast. I think I was a little grayer haired in my dream than I am now anyway...

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