Friday, January 26, 2018

01-26-2018 A Dream of a Train Wreck and an Attempted Suicide

I had a sad dream in the early morning of 01-26-2018. I was on a hike through a lowland deciduous forest with a couple of guys. I did not recognize the two people as anyone I know in real life. We were passing what appeared to be a rusty, old railroad track that was curving quite sharply from a path perpendicular to us to and turning to a path parallel to where we were hiking. All of a sudden, out of the blue, a train bounced off the railroad track at this sharp corner and continued flying up a fairly steep hill to the back and right of where we were walking! Some of the railroad cars tipped over on the hill.

We ran to the scene and it didn't take long for help to arrive. In the chaos I lost track of one of the people I was hiking with. The other guy with me also was temporarily out of site but came back and said the other guy we were hiking with tried to commit suicide as the train on the hill was being pulled up from a horizontal position so the train could be put back on the tracks. He was trying to throw his body under the train wheels as they pulled the train up. The other hiker updating me said he did get hurt but authorities pulled him out of harms way before he could kill himself.

It made me very sad. There was no indication the guy who tried to commit suicide was mentally unstable when we were hiking with him.

Very strange, intense dream. The emotions in the dream were extreme- extreme happiness, extreme fear and extreme sadness to the point of suicide.

Not a pleasant dream. I think it was spawned by the fact I had read in the news the engineer, in real life, who was driving a train in the area I live in was going too fast and made the train jump off the tracks right above a busy freeway. About four or five railroad cars jumped off the tracks onto the freeway below.

The engineer said he did not see any posted speed limit signs before turning a fairly sharp corner and  crossing above the freeway. This was a maiden voyage for a supposedly, fast commuter train run to take people to work.

It is amazing my subconscious can come up with such a detailed dream from a two line statement in a news article I read a day before.

I would expect this is a predictive dream with words, images and phrases in a future, real life event I will experience matching the dream I had.

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