Sunday, January 21, 2018

01-21-2018 Dream of Being Chased and Laundry Carts and Kids

In the early morning of 01-21-2018 I had a dream I was being chased by a couple of people. I dodged into an open air market tent. There was a convoy of what appeared to be canvas laundry carts with little kids in them being pulled through the tent. The "convoy" had adults who were walking along with the kids in the carts. The adults were making quite a ruckus- either they were on a protest march or celebrating something. I decided to join the crowd to hide from the people trying to chase me down. They could not see me in the tent going the opposite direction.

Weird dream. Full of symbolism. May have something to do with the Annual Women's March that happened, the day before, on 01-20-2018.

I'm getting into my monthly predictive zone so not sure if this dream predicts an event I will experience in my future or not.


2nd annual Women's March: A multi-city mass opposition ...

Yahoo News1 day ago
Jan 20, 2018 · Protesters rally across the United States and overseas for the second annual Women's March, on the first anniversary of President Trump's inauguration.

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