Saturday, January 08, 2005

My First Attempt at Losing Weight.

Background Information:

My goal for this article is to provide a day by day log of how much weight I am losing.

My efforts to lose or even maintain weight over the past 10 years has been dismal. My doctor told me it is normal for a mature adult to gain 2 to 4 pounds each year and never lose it. The reason is that your metabolism slows down and even if you eat the same amount you did 10 years ago you will probably gain weight. That being the case I have followed his advice to a tee. In high school I was around 175 pounds. Now at the age of 50, and right after the December holiday cheer, I was pushing 215 pounds with clothes on. Last year I was mostly at 208 pounds. From high school until now that is 40 more pounds I have to pack around. I am carrying around four sacks of potatoes every where I go! I think my weight should be about 185 pounds. I have never gone below 204 pounds in recent years. I have never tried to diet.

Call for action came from my brother who is 58 years old. He told my mom that if I didn’t lose weight he was afraid I wouldn’t make it until I was 60 years old. Of course my mom told me that and here I am writing this article.

I am a logical guy that works out two or three times a week. I have a Bachelor of Science degree. I should be able to logically assess the facts from the plethora of dietary information we are bombarded with on TV and the Internet and come up with a weight loss plan.

Just for fun. I will post my weight loss by day on this website.

The Beginning: 211.5 pounds.
Day 1: 210.5
Day 2: 209.5
Day 3: 208
Day 4: 206.5
Day 5: 206.5
Day 6: 206.5
Day 7: 206
Day 8: 205
Day 9: 204.5
Day 10: 204.0 ...
Day 15: 199.5

How did I do it?

Frankly it isn't that hard to do. I think I am going to use this diet whenever I gain a few pounds. I never knew it was that easy to lose weight.

Should have started years ago!

I was so happy with the weight loss I achieved that I wrote an e-book called Marcas Major's Post-Holiday Diet. It outlines how I lost 10 pounds in two weeks. The e-book will be available for download on in a couple of weeks in Microsoft Reader or Adobe PDF format.

Check out for more details in a couple of weeks. It is currently 1/23/2005.

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