Friday, July 17, 2020

07-17-2020 Deaths Due To Severe Flooding And Wind

I had a dream in the early morning of 07-17-2020. I frequented a house to do some work of some sort. Then one day as I approached the house the shingled roof looked caved in and there was water seeping through all the windows facing me. I ran to the house and opened the door. Water rushed out with  lots of loose cedar roof shingles. A portion of the front of the house gave way and a body floated out partially wrapped in in a clear sheet of plastic. I phoned 911 but didn’t stick around. I was so upset by the scene I got out of there. My body rapidly floated down a path following a freeway to a large city to get away from the horrible tragedy.

Maybe the house was hit by a hurricane.

This dream could be a warning of a bad hurricane season in the near future.

Update 07-20-2020: Southern China is having severe flooding right now- worst flooding in decades and over 140 people have died due to the severe flooding. Heavy rains have been especially bad since 07-18-2020. They have had to start releasing excess water from dams.

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