Wednesday, July 08, 2020

07-08-2020 Dreams Of Coordinating Project Requirements Between Management And Users

I have had similar themed dreams for the past three nights. They all have to do with me coordinating communication between two separate groups to get something very important done. I feel like I was in a parallel world because the projects were nothing I have ever had experience coordinating before.

The most memorable dream was with a small group of older people trying to get funding to start a new college somewhere. The amount of money they needed was $211 million dollars. They were frustrated because they kept getting rejected by the "powers that be".

I listened to their frustrations and the fact they were now complaining without actually submitting any formal proposal to the "powers that be". So I went directly to the head of the chain and talked to the person in charge of making the decision to release the money. He didn't think they needed $211 million dollars to start a college but also said he hadn't seen any written proposals to prove he was wrong.

He was in his late forties or early fifties and had a broad forehead and receding hairline. He sat at a bare, utilitarian metal desk. I asked him to come with me and talk to these people wanting to start the new college directly. He agreed.

We went down to where the small group of people were. The man I was with asked the group if they had any written proposals for the new college they wanted to start. Several of the people in the group handed them rolled up proposals that looked like they had been twisting them in their hands for a while. The man I was with said he would review them. The small group balked and said he wasn't in charge of that task. The man I was with said "so and so" (can't remember the name of the person he referenced) said I was in charge of reviewing proposals now.

That was the end of the dream. Kind of boring. Not sure what it means. I have spent a lot of my career as a systems analyst, reporting analyst and database administrator/analyst- coordinating projects between management requirements and subsequent computer programming requirements for all sorts of finance and internal business procedures. It doesn't surprise me I would have one dream like this but three nights worth of dreams of coordinating projects may have a more significant, predictive reason behind it.

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