Monday, April 20, 2020

04-17-2020 Dream Of Abandoned Artificial Intelligence Robots

I had a dream in the early morning of 4-17-2020. It was sad.

Apparently we had progressed to the point where there were a multitude of robots available for us to use for all kinds of tasks and pleasure.

My dream showed a sad future where a lot of "out of date" robots were being abandoned. There was a person in my dream going around the countryside and finding these abandoned robots. In the dream he would make an initial assessment of the "health" of the robot at the time of discovery. These "artificially intelligent" robots he was assessing appeared to have a limit to their capabilities. They had a limit on the activities and logic they could perform. When a better model of the robot came out many people simply abandoned their previous models and left them along the countryside. The person assessing the abandoned robots moved them to a "farm for abandoned robots".

I'm not sure how he helped them with their limited intelligence levels.

I think my subconscious mind is telling me this is a typical human response to ever changing technology. It begs the question, "When does an artificially intelligent, sentient robot become an object of compassion? 

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