Wednesday, April 01, 2020

04-01-2020 Wild Boar People

I watched the first episode of “The Secret Of Skinwalker Ranch” last night. I found it very unsettling. The caretakers and resident scientific researchers on the ranch seemed deeply emotionally disturbed from the strange deaths of cows, strange lights and possible out of this world species resident on the ranch.

My subconscious mind threw out a possible candidate for the “out of this world” species found on the Skinwalker Ranch in a dream I had in the early morning of 04-01-2020. The first scene in my dream showed a herd of wild boars crossing the spot I was walking on in Skinwalker Ranch. There was one very large, grey male boar and six to eight dark, chocolate brown female boars. The second scene of the dream jumped to a weathered, ranch tool shed. Hiding in the shaded interior was a 20 something female with facial bone structure of a wild boar. She was leaning against the wall, depressed looking, trying to hide her face!

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