Update 03-21-2020: Yesterday I was excited to get my ideas down about the far reaching impact of shock wave use in nature. After rereading my thoughts in this blog I decided the concept of shock wave impact in the natural of order of things is a solid idea that warrants further investigation. It may be the actual intensity of most shock waves used elsewhere in natural processes is only one billionth of one percent the intensity of the shock waves used by whales and dolphins to search for prey.
The bottom line is I believe we need to better understand what properties of fundamental "string" particles are affected by shock waves with or without regard to spacetime.
My “AHA” moment is an elegant solution to one of the strangest ideas in physics. You can only observe a particle moving through space with particle-like properties instead of wave-like properties because the act of observing a fundamental particle sends a shock wave through the fabric of space and time altering the properties of the fundamental particle in motion you are observing! There may be multiple dimensions surrounding each fundamental particle affected by shock waves. The resultant behavior of strings with a multiple dimension framework to shock waves is how natural selection gathers the building blocks of life at a quantum level of existence.
The bottom line is I believe we need to better understand what properties of fundamental "string" particles are affected by shock waves with or without regard to spacetime.
I have been wondering how living species initially develop and find the resources they need to survive and multiply on a violent, rapidly spinning earth. The unique survival requirements on earth require a "natural" selection process where only the strongest survive. How does the "natural" selection process work at a quantum physics level?
I have been wondering how living species initially develop and find the resources they need to survive and multiply on a violent, rapidly spinning earth. The unique survival requirements on earth require a "natural" selection process where only the strongest survive. How does the "natural" selection process work at a quantum physics level?
My “AHA” moment regarding the “nature” of everything is
elegantly simple- shock waves. Shock waves travel through everything- even outer
The evidence of the power of shock waves is all around us. Supernovas explode and expand in a dramatic fashion most likely due to shock waves. Dolphins
and whales send out sonar shock waves to find prey. Dolphins and whales are
highly advanced in interpreting the returning deflection patterns of shock
waves they send out to locate prey and successfully navigate the vast oceans.
Elephants send subsonic shock waves through the earth to communicate with other
elephants’ miles away. Our heart runs with a rhythmic beat until we die. If our heart stops beating, we can sometimes
get it started again by discharging a powerful shock wave to it using a defibrillator.
The "shock wave" natural selection theory can apply to how our minds work.
Shock waves are sent across the web-like synapses of our brain cells to other
brain cells. Individual shock waves travel across brain cell synapses to activate memories, emotions and new thought processes. Through shock waves we can explore the "deflection" patterns of our
inner thoughts and navigate through the violent, rapidly spinning earth we live
on using our memories brought to life by shock waves between brain cell synapses.
The incredible power of shock
waves in nature is utilized all the way down to the fundamental “string” particle level of our existence. We can use shock waves to identify unique deflection patterns off of "string" particles. Our bodies understand the behavior of fundamental particles at a quantum physics level and seek out unique "string" particles that behave in specific ways needed in nature to grow and survive a harsh, earth environment. Fundamental “string” particles react with predictable behavior patterns at a quantum level.
I stared at the following two paintings (Figure 1 and Figure 2) for a
while and had my “AHA” moment.
The painting in Figure 1 shows a woman with her eyes closed in a
dream state. She is surrounded by multiple strands of various colored paint
representing the fundamental objects in the universe- "strings". I believe Revisions to behavior and properties of specific types of "strings" in nature from interaction with shock waves is a fundamental natural selection process. It was recently discovered some fish species can detect the shock waves being sent from dolphins and revise there behavior by “schooling together into a tight ball that makes the returning deflection pattern the dolphin receives back look like one large fish- too big for the dolphin to prey on.
The painting in Figure 2 shows a “foggy” scene where swaths of clouds, fog and green background
merge into a clearly visible grove of living trees across the page enveloped in
fog. The human mind automatically recognizes the "foggy" green swaths in Figure 2 as a fundamental resource (green chlorophyll) in nature to create simple sugar from sun light in tree leaves! This is an oversimplified explanation of the chlorophyll creation process in trees. All I am trying to say is the process of creating chlorophyll in trees is originally spawned by shock waves sent out by unique developmental cells in trees at a quantum physics level of existence.
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
My “AHA” moment is an elegant solution to one of the strangest ideas in physics. You can only observe a particle moving through space with particle-like properties instead of wave-like properties because the act of observing a fundamental particle sends a shock wave through the fabric of space and time altering the properties of the fundamental particle in motion you are observing! There may be multiple dimensions surrounding each fundamental particle affected by shock waves. The resultant behavior of strings with a multiple dimension framework to shock waves is how natural selection gathers the building blocks of life at a quantum level of existence.
I believe our minds can find and manipulate basic “string”
particles regardless of space and time using shock waves. The act of observing unconsolidated, fundamental particles initiates shock waves towards the unconsolidated fundamental particles. This act of observation consolidates the unconsolidated fundamental particle with particle-like properties that can be processed and analyzed by our subconscious mind.
Shock waves sent out from the neurons in our brain are
actively searching and interpreting fundamental string particles at a quantum
level and possibly interpreting the returning reflection patterns of those shock waves
sent to specific or groups of fundamental particles. Our bodies monitor, route, collect and expel all types of fundamental particles used in creating and maintaing our body.
It is readily accepted by the scientific community, the DNA
in our reproductive cells offer a road map of what external resources we need to create a human body from scratch and survive. DNA also creates a road map to define how we will look like and behave like as we develop into an
It is now my belief, the DNA road map inside the growing fetus
knows how unique types of fundamental string particles will react when
subjected to shock waves within the womb. There may be unique shock wave
patterns sent out by the growing fetus to release specific growth hormones or
elicit specific types of reactions of fundamental particles at a quantum level. The DNA road map spawns a series of shock waves to create body building reactions from fundamental particles in the mother's blood stream feeding the fetus.
The painting in Figure 1, above, shows a women with her
eyes closed surrounded by a myriad of raw, quantum particles- possibly in another dimension. Her subconscious mind can observe, consolidate And analyze patterns in a relaxed state of mind or when sleeping beyond normal the normal dimensions of spacetime. Shock waves may induce solid pattern recognition of images in a dream state from "fuzzy", unconsolidated images available in the "ether" of past, present and future events in the world- regardless of spacetime.
types of fundamental particles at a quantum physics level in the mother's blood stream connect to the fetus in the womb. Shock waves sent out from the specific fetus cells in developing bone tissue initiate consolidation of bone material. Shock waves may be initiating some sort of cell compression behavior in specific components of "bone" cells. Certain elements, like Calcium must be present for this bone cell compression process to work properly.
The fundamental process of sending out shock waves at a
cellular level to interpret, analyze, consolidate, sort and develop various fundamental
“string” particles at a quantum level of existence used in the development of human
tissues during fetal development is my “AHA” moment.
“Nature” recognizes how
specific fundamental “strings” will react to shock waves released by
specialized cells in a growing fetus or surviving adult species. The hunt and gather behavior induced by individual growth cell shock waves to body building resources provided in the mother's blood is the missing link I have been looking for in the human body development process.
Using a very simplified example in the Figure 2 painting, above, random “green”, subtle swaths of paint represent the basic unconsolidated, "green" building block needed to make chlorophyll in trees. This fundamental “green” particle is likely identified in the tree's unique DNA road map as a critial ingredient needed to develop chlorophyll in trees. All trees carry this unique "chlorophyll creating" gene. The “green” gene's unique reaction to sun light could be spawned by shock waves at a quantum level of existence in trees!
As a final push to nail down the idea shock waves are used alot in nature, I say, "A pregnant mother’s contractions to bring a new born baby into the world are simply a series of shock waves."
We need to better understand what properties of fundamental "string" particles are affected by shock waves.
As a final push to nail down the idea shock waves are used alot in nature, I say, "A pregnant mother’s contractions to bring a new born baby into the world are simply a series of shock waves."
We need to better understand what properties of fundamental "string" particles are affected by shock waves.
It just makes sense!
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