Thursday, March 19, 2020

03-19-2020 An “AHA” Moment From This Acrylic Backgroundd Painting

I was disappointed in a painting class I was following online. They had me paint this beautiful background in acrylic and then proceeded to paint over the beautiful background with a bunch of unattractive, colorless trees. I was emotionally upset about completing the lesson.

I stared at what I had painted for awhile and noticed natural clumps of colorful trees popping out of the beautiful background.

Then an “AHA”, What if? moment came to me on the “nature” of everything while sleeping! I’ll collect my thoughts and create a blog about my “Aha” moment. It is in the middle of the night right now. I woke up just to jot this down so I remember my “Aha” moment.

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My Model of the Universe and Beyond

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