Saturday, October 26, 2019

10-26-2019 Am I An Alien Experiment Gone Wrong?

I was watching an episode of “Ancient Aliens”. They said people with RH negative blood or green eyes were the result of direct alien manipulation of genes in humans. The only reason they gave for this claim was because these two traits in humans are extremely rare. They went on to show a small area of northern Italy had massive ancient drawings of aliens and alien objects in the hills surrounding the small northern Italian area. There are more green-eyed people the farther north you go in Italy.

My opinion is color appears to be fairly easy to change in the “plumage” of birds and reptiles which are much older than we are in terms of length of time  on earth. Are all the different colored birds and reptiles evidence of alien gene manipulation? I also think modern day graffiti is more alien looking than the drawings shown on the “Ancient Aliens” episode I watched. RH negative blood is not something I know about.

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