Sunday, October 06, 2019

10-06-2019 Order In The Universe

With all the data on the internet about a person's family history and the several years worth of blogs  I have written, I noticed a certain order to the flow of life unique to my families history. Often members of my extended family married women born during the second to last week of the month like their birthdays. The months they were born could be different but the day of the month they were born are very close to their spouses. Many of my relatives die within a few days or on the very day of their birth.

It is almost as if all the daffodil type people stick together and grow like you world expect daffodils to grow like. All the tulip type people stick together and grow through life with predictable "seasons" of behavior like you expect a tulip to behave.

I believe this quantum generated behavior stored in the unique DNA making up the history of the family clan is predictable, measurable and lends it self to quantitative analysis.

If you were born a daffodil you will exhibit the "seasonal" behavior of a daffodil.

If you were born a tulip you may have some unique behavior only tulips display but you also grow from a bulb just like a daffodil.

We are more like flowers than we would like to admit.

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